
朗格及更长:第 35 届宝马国际公开赛

+++ 国际明星和德国顶尖人物 +++ Bernhard Langer 告别 DP 世界巡回赛 +++ 教育之鹰:宝马集团致力于教育平等 +++ 周四与世界冠军 Martin Borgmeier 进行长距离驾驶比赛 +++ 访客信息 +++


+++ 国际明星和德国顶尖人物 +++ Bernhard Langer 告别 DP 世界巡回赛 +++ 教育之鹰:宝马集团致力于教育平等 +++ 周四与世界冠军 Martin Borgmeier 进行长距离驾驶比赛 +++ 访客信息 +++

慕尼黑。第 35届宝马国际公开赛将于 2024 年 7 月 3日至 7 日在慕尼黑埃肯里德高尔夫俱乐部举行。赛事组织者宝马再次为球场游客和无法亲临现场的高尔夫球迷打造了一场精彩的体育和赛事体验。以下文件简要介绍了您需要了解的有关 2024 年宝马国际公开赛的所有信息。


自 1989 年以来,宝马一直是宝马国际公开赛的组织者。DP 世界巡回赛上的其他任何锦标赛都没有以相同的名称和合作伙伴举办这么长时间。宝马国际公开赛也是宝马首次涉足职业高尔夫。宝马高尔夫杯的历史可以追溯到 1982 年,它早已成为业余高尔夫球手最大的国际锦标赛系列。


很少有人能像德国最成功的高尔夫球手伯恩哈德·兰格那样在宝马国际公开赛上留下如此深刻的印记。自 2012 年以来,他首次在慕尼黑开球,让德国高尔夫球迷有机会向这位两届大满贯冠军送别:兰格将最后一次参加 DP 世界巡回赛。


与去年一样(2023 年筹集总额:99,000 欧元),宝马集团将再次为比赛期间每只老鹰捐赠 1,000 欧元,捐赠对象是慕尼黑的“JOBLINGE”和“Kick ins Leben”。通过这样做,该公司正在改善当地弱势青年的前景。游客也可以尽自己的一份力量。将有三台自动售货机(比赛村、4/8/11 号发球台旁的啤酒花园区和球道俱乐部),提供移动电源为移动设备充电。这项服务本身是免费的,只需支付 20 欧元的简单押金即可。归还移动电源时,可以将全部或部分押金捐赠给“Eagles for Education”。

与 Martin Borgmeier 及其朋友的长途驾驶表演比赛。

这场比赛将会漫长、喧闹而精彩。周四晚上比赛结束后(约 18:30),第 18 洞果岭 将迎来另一个亮点:“发射控制——由 BMW 和 Martin Borgmeier 呈现的长打比赛”。德国长打世界冠军将在表演赛中对阵两位顶级对手:Ryan“加拿大伐木工”Gregnol(加拿大)和 Sam Judah(美国)。女子组比赛由当地宠儿、欧洲业余长打冠军 Sonya Knebel 对阵 Cassandra Meyer 和 Gabi Powel(均来自美国)。观众可以期待一种特殊的高尔夫体验,它一定会令人着迷、精彩而有趣。锦标赛村的一天以 DJ Bernhard Fleischmann 的“下班后”派对结束(开始时间:17:00)。


今年的传统一杆进洞赛车,职业选手只要在第 17洞(标准杆 3 杆)打出一杆进洞即可获胜,它是有史以来第一款全电动 BMW 5 系,在巴伐利亚州丁戈尔芬格的 BMW 集团工厂生产:新款 BMW i5 Touring。


250 万美元,其中获胜者可获得 42.5 万美元。

该领域的顶尖国际球员(截至:2024 年 6 月 24 日)。

Miguel Ángel Jiménez (西班牙)、Danny Willett (英格兰)、Ryan Fox (新西兰)、Luke Donald (英格兰)、Patrick Reed (美国)、Thomas Pieters (比利时)、Thomas Bjørn (丹麦)、Rafa Cabrera Bello (西班牙)、 Rasmus Højgaard (DEN)、Thriston Lawrence (RSA、Titelverteidiger)、Matteo Manassero (ITA)、Joost Luiten (NED)、Edoardo Molinari (ITA)、Bernd Wiesberger (AUT)、Lukas Nemecz (AUT)、Nicolas Colsaerts (BEL)、丹尼尔·希利尔(新西兰)

在场上的德国球员(截至:2024 年 6 月 24 日)。

Bernhard Langer、Martin Kaymer、Matti Schmid、Max Kieffer、Alex Cejka、Marcel Siem、Yannik Paul、Jeremy Paul、Nick Bachem、Hurly Long、Marcel Schneider、Alexander Knappe、Freddy Schott、Maximilian Rottluff、Tiger Christensen (AM)、Yannick Malik (AM)

该领域的往届获奖者(截至:2024 年 6 月 24 日)。

托马斯·比约恩 (2000, 2002)、米格尔·安赫尔·希门尼斯 (2004)、大卫·豪厄尔 (2005)、马丁·凯梅尔 (2008)、大卫·霍西 (ENG, 2010)、巴勃罗·拉拉扎巴尔 (ESP, 2011、2015)、丹尼·威利特 (2012) Fabrizio Zanotti (PAR, 2014)、Andrea Pavan (ITA, 2019)、李浩桐 (CHN, 2022)、Thriston Lawrence (RSA, 2023)


职业-业余锦标赛将于 7 月 3日星期三举行,届时将有来自其他体育项目的多位大牌运动员参赛,包括威尔士足球传奇人物 Gareth Bale 和其他名人。入场免费。比赛于上午 08:00 和下午 13:30 开始(均为霰弹枪开赛)。


7 月 5日星期五,身着传统服饰 Dirndl 或 Lederhosen 的游客将获赠一杯免费饮品。锦标赛村将延续这一主题:独立乐队“Loamsiada”将表演,游客可以期待巴伐利亚挑战,并将保留“Schuhplatteln”民间舞蹈等传统。


今年,纯粹的驾驶乐趣将再次成为锦标赛村的亮点。宝马展台将展出全电动 BMW i7 和 BMW XM,以及今年的“一杆进洞”赛车 BMW i5 Touring 及其“兄弟”BMW i5 Limousine。

高尔夫球迷可以在锦标赛村的各种活动中展示自己的实力。宝马足球高尔夫挑战赛的目标是攻克两个障碍洞:不过,不是用高尔夫球杆,而是用脚——这很恰当,因为德国同时主办欧洲锦标赛。更喜欢手握推杆的高尔夫球迷可以尝试宝马最远推杆——并在过程中赢得一些大奖。宝马高尔夫挑战赛与 Trackman 合作,还提供诱人的奖品。目标是:在高科技模拟器上,将你的开球尽可能靠近 17 号洞的球洞。


BMW 国际公开赛还旨在鼓励年轻一代打高尔夫球。为此,16 岁以下的儿童每天都可以免费入场。与巴伐利亚高尔夫协会合作,孩子们受邀在周三放学后参观比赛,届时将有特别节目等着他们。来自该地区的青少年高尔夫球队也是如此,他们受邀在周末参加比赛。在锦标赛村,年轻的游客可以在 BMW 儿童公园尽情玩耍:在这里,孩子们可以骑两轮或三轮车,以好玩的方式学习交通规则,并获得儿童驾驶执照。

NTT 数据墙。

除了高尔夫球场的实时图像外,锦标赛村的中央视频墙还将与锦标赛合作伙伴 NTT Data 合作,显示当前屏幕上球员的综合实时统计数据。结果就是,您将获得在其他地方难以找到的、细节丰富的高尔夫体验。

NTT DATA 提供的数字体验。

在上 ,高尔夫球迷可以找到免费的多媒体服务,对于球场的游客和希望从远处关注比赛的球迷来说,这值得一看。亮点包括 Sky 的全面直播、实时排行榜、引人入胜的实时统计数据和交互式球员追踪器。还有大量有关宝马国际公开赛的信息和娱乐节目。此外,宝马高尔夫运动将在其社交媒体渠道上以多样化的内容、独家制作和广泛的信息报道比赛。


远在天涯的宝马国际公开赛的高尔夫球迷有多种选择。天空电视台将 在周四和周五 12:30 至 18:00、周六 13:30 至 18:00 以及周日 13:00 至 18:00 通过付费电视和其他服务(例如Sky Go )直播慕尼黑-埃兴里德的比赛。sport1.de将在同一时间提供免费直播。此外,该广播公司还将于周六 16:00 至 18:00 在免费电视上转播第 35届宝马国际公开赛。高尔夫球迷还可以在Sport1 上观看周日决赛的电视直播 :锦标赛的最后阶段将在 13:30 至 15:00 和 16:30 至 18:00 在免费电视上直播。


宝马国际公开赛将配备全电动宝马班车车队,使用 100% 绿色电力充电。慕尼黑埃肯里德高尔夫俱乐部与宝马合作在俱乐部安装了充电站。在锦标赛之外,俱乐部会员和宾客可以随时使用充电站。


比赛周期间,周四至周日,伊斯马宁轻轨站将从 07:00 至 20:00 提供免费穿梭巴士服务。这些时段巴士定期连续运行。不过,伊斯马宁轻轨站没有停车位 – 此服务仅供轻轨乘客使用。上车时必须出示有效的轻轨车票。


可从 A9 高速公路(慕尼黑至纽伦堡)前往 BMW 国际公开赛。从 Garching-Süd 出口驶出,沿 B 471 前往 Ismaning。然后沿 B388 继续前往 Erding。请务必遵循当地路标。


Goldacher Straße, 85452 穆斯宁, 德国




网上售票处 ( ) 出售 Fairway Club 的日票、季票和 VIP 票。7 月 3日星期三的 Pro-Am 比赛入场免费。


BMW 非常感谢其主要合作伙伴 Commercetools、Emirates、Fortinet、希尔顿、NTT Data 和劳力士、企业合作伙伴 Antenne Bayern 和 Goodyear 以及所有供应商合作伙伴的出色支持与合作。

Langer and longer: The 35th BMW International Open.

+++ International stars and top Germans +++ Bernhard Langer bids farewell to the DP World Tour +++ Eagles for Education: BMW Group committed to educational equality +++ Long drive competition with world champion Martin Borgmeier on the Thursday +++ Visitor information +++


+++ International stars and top Germans +++ Bernhard Langer bids farewell to the DP World Tour +++ Eagles for Education: BMW Group committed to educational equality +++ Long drive competition with world champion Martin Borgmeier on the Thursday +++ Visitor information +++

Munich. The 35th BMW International Open will take place from 3rd to 7th July 2024 at Golfclub München Eichenried. Tournament organiser BMW has once again put together a magnificent sporting and event experience, both for visitors at the course and golf fans unable to make it there in person. The following document provides a compact rundown of everything you need to know about the 2024 BMW International Open.

35th edition.

BMW has been the organiser of the BMW International Open since 1989. No other tournament on the DP World Tour has been held for so long under the same name and with the same partner. The BMW International Open was also BMW’s first involvement in professional golf. The roots of the BMW Golf Cup, which has long since established itself as the largest international tournament series for amateur golfers, stretch back as far as 1982.

A legend bids farewell.

Few have left such a mark on the BMW International Open as Germany’s most successful golfer, Bernhard Langer. He tees off in Munich for the first time since 2012, offering German golf fans the opportunity to bid a worthy farewell to the two-time major winner: Langer will be making his final appearance on the DP World Tour.

Eagles for Education.

As it did last year (total raised in 2023: € 99,000), the BMW Group will again donate € 1,000 for every eagle carded during the tournament to Munich-based organisations “JOBLINGE” and “Kick ins Leben”. In doing so, the company is improving the prospects of disadvantaged young people from the local area. Visitors can also do their bit. There will be three vending machines (Tournament Village, beer garden area by the 4th/8th/11th tee, and Fairway Club), at which powerbanks will be available for charging mobile devices. The service itself is free of charge, with a simple € 20 deposit required. When returning the powerbank, all or part of that deposit can be donated to “Eagles for Education”.

Long drive show match with Martin Borgmeier and friends.

It’s going to be long, loud and spectacular. Immediately after the close of play on Thursday evening (approx. 18:30), the 18th green will host another highlight: “Launch Control – A Longdrive Competition presented by BMW & Martin Borgmeier”. The German long drive world champion will go up against two top-class opponents in a show match: Ryan “The Canadian Lumberjack” Gregnol (CAN) and Sam Judah (USA). The ladies competition sees local favourite and European amateur long drive champion Sonya Knebel take on Cassandra Meyer and Gabi Powel (both USA). Spectators can look forward to a special kind of golfing experience, which promises to be captivating, spectacular and entertaining. The day in the Tournament Village draws to a close with the “After Work” party, with DJ Bernhard Fleischmann (start: 17:00).

Hole-in-One Award.

This year’s traditional Hole-in-One Car, which the pros can win with an ace on the 17th hole (par 3), is the first fully-electric BMW 5 Series ever and was manufactured at the BMW Group plant in Dingolfing, Bavaria: the new BMW i5 Touring.

Prize money.

2.5 million US dollars, of which 425,000 US dollars go to the winner.

Top international players in the field (as of: 24 June 2024).

Miguel Ángel Jiménez (ESP), Danny Willett (ENG), Ryan Fox (NZL), Luke Donald (ENG), Patrick Reed (USA), Thomas Pieters (BEL), Thomas Bjørn (DEN), Rafa Cabrera Bello (ESP), Rasmus Højgaard (DEN), Thriston Lawrence (RSA, Titelverteidiger), Matteo Manassero (ITA), Joost Luiten (NED), Edoardo Molinari (ITA), Bernd Wiesberger (AUT), Lukas Nemecz (AUT), Nicolas Colsaerts (BEL), Daniel Hillier (NZL)

German players in the field (as of: 24 June 2024).

Bernhard Langer, Martin Kaymer, Matti Schmid, Max Kieffer, Alex Cejka, Marcel Siem, Yannik Paul, Jeremy Paul, Nick Bachem, Hurly Long, Marcel Schneider, Alexander Knappe, Freddy Schott, Maximilian Rottluff, Tiger Christensen (AM), Yannick Malik (AM)

Former winners in the field (as of: 24 June 2024).

Thomas Bjørn (2000, 2002), Miguel Ángel Jiménez (2004), David Howell (2005), Martin Kaymer (2008), David Horsey (ENG, 2010), Pablo Larrazábal (ESP, 2011, 2015), Danny Willett (2012), Fabrizio Zanotti (PAR, 2014), Andrea Pavan (ITA, 2019), Li Haotong (CHN, 2022), Thriston Lawrence (RSA, 2023)

Pro-Am tournament.

The Pro-Am tournament takes place on Wednesday 3rd July and features a number of big-name athletes from other sports, including Welsh football legend Gareth Bale and other celebrities. Admission is free. Play starts at 08:00 in the morning and 13:30 in the afternoon (both shotgun starts).

Bavarian Day.

Visitors dressed in the traditional costume of Dirndl or Lederhosen will receive a free drink on Friday 5th July. The theme continues in the Tournament Village: indie band “Loamsiada” will perform, visitors can look forward to Bavarian challenges, and traditions like the “Schuhplatteln” folk dancing will be upheld.

Tournament Village.

Sheer driving pleasure will once again be prominent in the Tournament Village this year. The BMW exhibition features the all-electric BMW i7 and the BMW XM, as well as this year’s Hole-in-One Car the BMW i5 Touring and its “brother” the BMW i5 Limousine.

Golf fans can show what they are capable of in various activities in the Tournament Village. The goal at the BMW Foot Golf Challenge is to master two holes, complete with obstacles: not with a golf club, however, but with one’s foot – aptly, given Germany is hosting the European Championships at the same time. Golf fans who feel more comfortable with a putter in their hand can give the BMW Longest Putt a go – and win some great prizes in the process. Attractive prizes are also up for grabs at the BMW Golf Challenge, in collaboration with Trackman. The objective: to land your tee shot as close to the hole as possible on the 17th on the high-tech simulator.

Focus on youth.

The BMW International Open also aims to inspire the younger generation to take up golf. With this in mind, under 16s have free admission on all days. In cooperation with the Bavarian Golf Association, children are invited to visit the tournament after school on the Wednesday, when a special programme awaits them. The same goes for junior golf teams from around the region, who are welcomed to the tournament at the weekend. In the Tournament Village, younger visitors will have plenty of fun on the BMW Kids Parcours: here, the kids can get active on two or three wheels, learn traffic regulations in a playful manner, and be rewarded with a child’s driving licence.


As well as live images from the golf course, the central video wall in the Tournament Village will also show comprehensive live statistics for the player currently on screen, in cooperation with tournament partner NTT Data. The result is a golfing experience with a depth of detail you will struggle to find elsewhere.

Digital Experience presented by NTT DATA.

At golf fans will find a free multimedia offering, which is worth checking out for visitors at the course and fans wishing to follow the tournament from afar. The highlights include a comprehensive livestream from Sky, a live leaderboard, fascinating live statistics, and an interactive player tracker. There is also plenty of information and entertainment regarding the BMW International Open. Furthermore, BMW Golfsport will cover the tournament on its social media channels with diverse content, exclusive productions and extensive information.

BMW International Open live.

Golf fans following the BMW International Open from afar have various options. Sky will cover the action from München-Eichenried live on pay TV and via its other offerings (e.g. Sky Go) from 12:30 to 18:00 on Thursday and Friday, 13:30 to 18:00 on Saturday, and 13:00 to 18:00 on Sunday. will provide a free livestream at the same times. In addition, the broadcaster will also show the 35th BMW International Open on free-to-air TV from 16:00 to 18:00 on the Saturday. Golf fan scan also watch the final Sunday live on TV at Sport1: the business end of the tournament will be covered live on free-to-air TV from 13:30 to 15:00 and 16:30 to 18:00.

Electrified shuttle fleet.

A fully electrified BMW shuttle fleet, charged using 100 percent green electricity, will be operated at the BMW International Open. Golfclub München Eichenried has installed the charging stations at the club in cooperation with BMW. Outside of the tournament, they are available at all times to club members and guests.

Getting there on public transport – free shuttle bus service.

From Thursday to Sunday during the tournament week, a free shuttle bus service will run from Ismaning S-Bahn station from 07:00 to 20:00. The buses run regularly and continuously during these hours. However, there are no parking spaces at Ismaning S-Bahn station – this service can only be used by S-Bahn passengers. A valid S-Bahn ticket must be shown when boarding the bus.

Getting there by car.

The BMW International Open can be reached from the A9 motorway (Munich to Nuremberg). To do so, take the Garching-Süd exit and follow the B 471 towards Ismaning. Then, continue on the B388 towards Erding. Please make sure you follow the local signposts.

Navigation address.

Goldacher Straße, 85452 Moosinning, Germany


Weather permitting, it is possible to park at the tournament site. Parking is free for all visitors in officially designated car parks. There is no entitlement to parking places.

Ticket shop.

Day tickets, season tickets and VIP tickets for the Fairway Club are available in the online ticket shop ( Admission to the Pro-Am on Wednesday 3rd July is free.


BMW is very grateful to its main partners Commercetools, Emirates, Fortinet, Hilton, NTT Data and Rolex, corporate partners Antenne Bayern and Goodyear, and all the supplier partners for their fantastic support and cooperation.


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