
宝马将亮相 2024 年古德伍德速度节

•两款车型全球首发,包括新款 BMW X3 的全球首发 •新款 BMW M4 CS 首次在英国亮相 •BMW 超级跑车 BMW M Hybrid V8 将冲上山顶 •BMW Vision Neue Klasse、BMW Concept Skytop 和独一无二的 BMW i5 Flow NOSTOKANA 在马厩展出 •BMW 集团经典车组的多款历史性赛车将参赛 •BMW R20 概念车,BMW 摩托车大胆的机械杰作,将冲上山顶


2024 年 6 月 21 日


宝马将参加 2024 年古德伍德速度节。


• 两项全球首发,包括新款 BMW X3 的全球首发

• 新款宝马 M4 CS 首次亮相英国

• BMW 超级跑车 BMW M Hybrid V8 将强势冲上山顶

• BMW Vision Neue Klasse、BMW Concept Skytop 和独一无二的 BMW i5 Flow NOSTOKANA 在马厩展出

• 来自 BMW 集团经典车的一系列历史赛车将参加爬山赛,包括标志性的 BMW V12 LMR

• BMW R20 概念车是 BMW 摩托车的大胆机械杰作,可驾驭山地


2024 年古德伍德速度节上,宝马将万众瞩目,届时将全球首发全新 BMW X3,同时还将迎来宝马集团的另一款重要车型。这两款车型将于 7 月 11 日星期四上午 10:30(英国夏令时)在宝马赛道展台亮相。


全新专属 BMW M4 CS 也将首次在英国亮相,与它一同亮相的还有开创性的 BMW XM Label。节日观众还将看到壮观的 BMW M Hybrid V8 和 BMW R20 概念车,而马厩将为 BMW 的 Vision Neue Klasse、豪华的 BMW Concept Skytop 和采用变色技术的 BMW i5 Flow NOSTOKANA 提供完美的舞台。BMW M 的最新车型将在 Trackside 展出,包括新款 BMW M135、改款 BMW M2 和 BMW M3 Touring 以及占据中心位置的 BMW M Hybrid V8 LMDh。


新款 BMW X3 M50 xDrive 将在古德伍德向全球揭幕,它是第四代 SAV,为 20 多年前开始的 BMW X3 成功故事再添新篇章。这款顶级车型拥有比以往更大的运动吸引力、视觉冲击力和多功能性,并配备了迄今为止安装在 M Performance 车型中的最强大的六缸直列汽油发动机。3.0 升 M TwinPower Turbo 装置与 48V 轻度混合动力技术相结合。其最大输出功率为 398 马力,通过八速 Steptronic Sport 变速箱和 BMW xDrive 智能全轮驱动传递到路面。BMW X3 M50 xDrive 从静止加速到 62 英里/小时仅需 4.6 秒。


新款 BMW M4 CS 将在“第一眼”类别中挑战著名的 1.16 英里赛道。这款专注于比赛的 BMW M4 CS 搭载高转速六缸直列 3.0 升发动机和 M TwinPower Turbo 技术,发动机输出功率增加到 550 马力,并采用特定车型的底盘调校和轻量化设计元素。瞬时动力输出和优化的牵引力使车辆在短短 3.4 秒内从 0 加速到 62 英里/小时。


刚刚参加过传奇的勒芒 24 小时耐力赛的 BMW M Hybrid V8 也将参加爬山赛。BMW 品牌重返勒芒超级跑车顶级组别,恰逢 1999 年 BMW V12 LMR 夺冠 25 周年。为了纪念这一历史性时刻,BMW Group Classic 将驾驶这款标志性的 V12 赛车爬山。该车队还将在古德伍德爬山赛上带来另外两辆著名赛车 – 由著名赛车手约翰尼·塞科托驾驶的 BMW 318i 旅行车和由巴伐利亚王子利奥波德殿下驾驶的 BMW2002 TIK。


节日观众还可以在赛道边看到 BMW M Hybrid V8 LMDh,而展台参观者可以了解有关第 20 辆 BMW 艺术车的更多信息 – 这款超级跑车由国际知名艺术家 Julie Mehretu 设计,在今年的勒芒比赛中发挥了非常特殊的作用。


BMW 也将在两轮车上大展身手。BMW Motorrad 最近在 Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este 上发布了其最新的设计杰作 BMW R20 概念车,并将在今年的节日上展出。BMW R20 概念车作为一件艺术品和富有表现力和炫酷设计的典范,以传奇的风油冷式 Big Boxer 发动机为核心。R20 可在“初次亮相和公路摩托车”类别中看到,而 BMW Group Classic 的出色 BMW R255/1 压缩机将在“第 4 批”中亮相。


马厩再次以 BMW 为主题,将变成一个展示豪华与科技的宁静场所:从 BMW Concept Skytop(一款展现真正独特而异国情调设计的敞篷双座车)到 BMW i5 Flow NOSTOKANA(一款将 BMW 开发的变色技术与南非艺术家 Esther Mahlangu 的艺术语言相结合的独一无二的车辆)。然而,对于许多人来说,BMW Vision Neue Klasse 将成为展览的焦点 – Neue Klasse 展示了 BMW 未来车型阵容的广度。

BMW 的最新豪华轿车系列也将在马厩展出,其中包括 BMW i7,这是该品牌的旗舰轿车,以全新的电气化和数字化水平重新定义了豪华轿车领域。最近推出的 BMW i5 Touring 将在这个宁静的空间中占据中心位置,同时展出的还有 BMW Motorrad 的两款电动汽车——BMW CE 02 和 BMW CE 04,它们为两轮城市电动交通带来了一股清新气息。

古德伍德速度节将于 2024 年 7 月 11 日至 14 日举行,为期四天。




宝马集团旗下拥有宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车四个品牌,是全球领先的豪华汽车和摩托车制造商,同时还提供高端金融和移动出行服务。宝马集团生产网络覆盖全球 30 多个生产基地,公司在全球 140 多个国家/地区拥有销售网络。

2023 年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过 255 万辆乘用车和超过 209,000 辆摩托车。2023 财年的税前利润为 171 亿欧元,营收为 1555 亿欧元。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,宝马集团拥有 154,950 名员工。


BMW at the 2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed

•Two world debuts, including the world premiere of the new BMW X3 •New BMW M4 CS seen in the UK for the first time •BMW’s Hypercar, the BMW M Hybrid V8, to storm up the hill •The BMW Vision Neue Klasse, BMW Concept Skytop and one-of-a-kind BMW i5 Flow NOSTOKANA on display at the Stable Yard •An array of historic racing cars from BMW Group Classic to participate •The BMW R20 concept, BMW Motorrad’s bold mechanical masterpiece, to take to the hill


21 June, 2024


BMW at the 2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed.


•            Two world debuts, including the world premiere of the new BMW X3

•            New BMW M4 CS seen in the UK for the first time

•            BMW’s Hypercar, the BMW M Hybrid V8, to storm up the hill

•            The BMW Vision Neue Klasse, BMW Concept Skytop and one-of-a-kind BMW i5 Flow NOSTOKANA on display at the Stable Yard

•            An array of historic racing cars from BMW Group Classic to participate in the Hillclimb including the iconic BMW V12 LMR

•            The BMW R20 concept, BMW Motorrad’s bold mechanical masterpiece, to take to the hill


All eyes will be on BMW at the 2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed to witness the world premiere of the new BMW X3, alongside another significant world debut from the BMW Group. Both cars will be unveiled at BMW’s Trackside stand from 10:30 am (BST) on Thursday 11 July.


Also seen for the first time in the UK will be the new and exclusive BMW M4 CS, which will be joined on the hill by the ground-breaking BMW XM Label. Festivalgoers will be able to see the spectacular BMW M Hybrid V8 and BMW R20 concept in action as well, whilst the Stable Yard will provide the perfect stage for BMW’s Vision Neue Klasse, the luxurious BMW Concept Skytop and the BMW i5 Flow NOSTOKANA with colour-change technology. The latest models from BMW M will be on display at Trackside, including the new BMW M135, the facelifted BMW M2 and BMW M3 Touring and – taking centre stage – the BMW M Hybrid V8 LMDh.


The new BMW X3 M50 xDrive will be unveiled to the world at Goodwood and is the fourth generation SAV, adding another chapter to the BMW X3 success story which began over 20 years ago. The range-topping model boasts greater sporting appeal, visual impact, and versatility than ever before and features the most powerful six-cylinder in-line petrol engine yet fitted in an M Performance model. The 3.0-litre M TwinPower Turbo unit links up with 48V mild hybrid technology. Its maximum output of 398 hp is channelled to the road via an eight-speed Steptronic Sport transmission and BMW xDrive intelligent all-wheel drive. The BMW X3 M50 xDrive powers to 62 mph from rest in 4.6 seconds.


Tackling the famous 1.16-mile course in the ‘First Glance’ category will be the new BMW M4 CS. Powered by a high-revving six-cylinder in-line 3.0-litre engine with M TwinPower Turbo technology, the race-focussed BMW M4 CS has an increased engine output of 550 hp and features model-specific chassis tuning and lightweight design elements. Instantaneous power delivery and optimised traction enable acceleration of 0 to 62 mph in just 3.4 seconds.


Fresh from racing at the legendary 24 Hours of Le Mans, the stunning BMW M Hybrid V8 will also take to the hill. The return of the BMW brand to the top category of Le Mans in the Hypercar class came exactly 25 years after the victory of the BMW V12 LMR in 1999. To acknowledge this historic moment BMW Group Classic will drive the iconic V12 up the hill. The team will also bring two additional famous racing cars to Goodwood’s Hillclimb – the BMW 318i touring car, driven by famed racing driver Johnny Cecotto, and the BMW2002 TIK, with HRH Leopold Prince of Bavaria at the wheel.


Festivalgoers will also be able to see a BMW M Hybrid V8 LMDh at Trackside, whilst visitors to the stand can learn more about the 20th BMW Art Car – the Hypercar designed by the internationally renowned artist Julie Mehretu – that played a very special role at this year’s Le Mans.


BMW will storm up the hill on two wheels as well. BMW Motorrad recently unveiled its latest design masterpiece, the BMW R20 concept, at Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este and will bring it to this year’s Festival. Presented as a piece of art and as the epitome of expressive and cool design, the BMW R20 concept showcases the legendary air-oil cooled Big Boxer engine at its centre. The R20 can be seen in the ‘First Glance and Road Bikes’ category, whilst a wonderful BMW R255/1 Compressor from BMW Group Classic will feature in ‘Batch 4’.


The Stable Yard – once again dedicated to BMW – will be transformed into a tranquil location showcasing luxury and technology: from the BMW Concept Skytop, an open top two-seater demonstrating truly unique and exotic design, to the BMW i5 Flow NOSTOKANA, a one-of-a-kind vehicle that combines colour-change technology developed by BMW with the artistic language of South African artist Esther Mahlangu. For many however, the BMW Vision Neue Klasse will form the focal point of the display – the Neue Klasse showcases the breadth of BMW’s future model line-up.

BMW’s latest range of luxury cars will also be on display in the Stable Yard including the BMW i7, the brand’s flagship saloon that has redefined the luxury segment with new levels of electrification and digitalisation. The recently launched BMW i5 Touring will take centre stage in this tranquil space, alongside two e-vehicles from BMW Motorrad – the BMW CE 02 and BMW CE 04 – that provide a breath of fresh air for urban electric mobility on two wheels.

The Goodwood Festival of Speed is being held over four days from 11-14 July 2024.


The BMW Group

With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.


In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.


The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company set the course for the future at an early stage and consistently makes sustainability and efficient resource management central to its strategic direction, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.


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