
BMW Motorrad 推出了 R 1300 GS Trophy 竞赛摩托车和 F 900 GS Trophy Marshal 摩托车

为 2024 年纳米比亚 BMW Motorrad 国际 GS 杯赛提供卓越的越野和旅行专业知识。


慕尼黑。2024年 9 月 15 日至 20 日,共有 22 支国家队(包括 6 支女子队和 16 支男子队)的 60 名车手将在 2024 年 BMW 摩托车国际 GS 杯纳米比亚站争夺梦寐以求的奖杯。在穿越纳米比亚的过程中,他们将能够依靠一辆卓越的主力摩托车:BMW R 1300 GS 杯竞赛摩托车。

R 1300 GS 杯竞赛摩托车是专为本次比赛开发的,该比赛自 2008 年以来一直以 R 1300 GS 为基础举行,并配备了特殊配件,可应对所有可能发生的情况。大型 GS 配备强大的水平对置式发动机,配有车把立管、发动机保护杆、防钻和车架护板、可调节的变速杆和制动杆、GS Vario 骑手脚踏板、耐力赛手杆、大灯保护护板和白色护手延伸件。黑色横辐车轮上的粗胎面越野轮胎和单座椅设计用于应对 2024 年东非纳米比亚 BMW 摩托车国际 GS 奖杯赛有时困难的地形。

除了一些细节外,R 1300 GS 奖杯竞赛摩托车可以在 R 1300 GS 奖杯赛的基础上进行配置

虽然 BMW 摩托车竞赛摩托车并没有以这种形式出售,但它基于 R 1300 GS 奖杯车型,除了贴纸、大型防钻保护装置和变速杆等一些细节外。基本的赛车蓝金属色说明了一切:凭借其红白条纹和字母,结合哑光白金属漆后车架,R 1300 GS 奖杯赛确实激发了人们对运动型越野骑行的兴趣 – 正如 22 支车队将在 9 月在他们的 R 1300 GS 奖杯竞赛摩托车上体验到的那样。

本着高超的越野专业知识,Trophy 出厂时配备了散热器护罩,以防止损坏,例如防止碎石。坚固的十字辐车轮也是越野设备的一部分。它们标配黑色轮辋,出厂时还提供金色轮辋。

BMW  F 900 GS Trophy Marshal Bike – 一款运动型越野 BMW GS,适用于中档,是 GS Trophy Marshal 团队的车辆。

GS Trophy Marshals 将引导参赛者安全穿越纳米比亚充满挑战的地形,他们也可以依靠高水平的越野专业知识。F 900 GS Trophy Marshal Bike 基于 F 900 GS 打造,是 BMW Motorrad 在中档旅行耐力赛领域的高端产品。

GS 车型的运动型代表,其最大功率为 77 千瓦(105 马力),由于越野性能大大增强,重量较上一代产品大幅减轻 14 公斤,因此用途更加广泛,就像 F 系列中的 R 1300 GS Trophy 竞赛摩托车——在纳米比亚也有宾至如归的感觉。

BMW 集团
凭借 BMW、MINI、Rolls-Royce 和 BMW Motorrad 四大品牌,BMW 集团是世界领先的高档汽车和摩托车制造商,同时还提供高档金融和移动服务。BMW 集团生产网络遍布全球 30 多个生产基地;公司在全球 140 多个国家拥有销售网络。2023年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过 255 万辆乘用车和超过 209,000 辆摩托车。2023 财年的税前利润为 171 亿欧元,营收为 1,555 亿欧元。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,宝马集团拥有 154,950 名员工。宝马集团的成功始终以长远的思考和负责任的行动为基础。公司很早就设定了未来的方向,并始终将可持续性和高效的资源管理作为其战略方向的核心,从供应链到生产再到所有产品的使用阶段结束。

BMW Motorrad presents the R 1300 GS Trophy Competition Bike and F 900 GS Trophy Marshal Bike.

Superior off-road and travelling expertise for the BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024 Namibia.


Munich. When a total of 22 national teams – including six women’s and 16 men’s teams – with a total of 60 riders compete for the coveted trophy at the BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024 Namibia from 15 to 20 September 2024, they will be able to rely on a superior workhorse as they cross Namibia: the BMW R 1300 GS Trophy Competition Bike.

The R 1300 GS Trophy Competition Bike has been developed exclusively for this competition, which has been held on the basis of the R 1300 GS since 2008 and is equipped for all eventualities thanks to special accessories. The large GS with its powerful boxer engine is fitted with a handlebar riser, engine protection bar, underride and frame guard, adjustable gear and brake levers, GS Vario rider footrests, enduro hand levers, headlight protection guard and white handguard extensions. The coarse-tread off-road tyres on the black cross-spoke wheels and the single seat bench are designed to cope with the sometimes difficult terrain of the BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2024 Namibia in East Africa.

With the exception of a few details, the R 1300 GS Trophy Competition Bike can be configured on the basis of the R 1300 GS Trophy.
Although the BMW Motorrad Competition Bike is not available for sale in exactly this form, it is based on the R 1300 GS Trophy model variant, with the exception of a few details such as the stickers, the large underride guard and the gearshift lever. The basic Racing Blue metallic colour says it all: with its red and white stripes and lettering, combined with the matt white metallic painted rear frame, the R 1300 GS Trophy literally whets the appetite for sporty off-road riding – just as the 22 teams will experience on their R 1300 GS Trophy Competition Bikes in September.

In the spirit of high off-road expertise, the Trophy is equipped ex works with radiator guards to protect against damage, for example from stone chipping. The robust cross-spoke wheels are also part of the off-road equipment. They come with black rims as standard and are also available in gold as an ex-works option.

The BMW F 900 GS Trophy Marshal Bike – the sporty, off-road BMW GS for the middle range as the vehicle for the GS Trophy Marshal Team.
The GS Trophy Marshals, who will guide the participants safely through Namibia’s challenging terrain, can also rely on a high level of off-road expertise. Based on the
F 900 GS, the F 900 GS Trophy Marshal Bike is BMW Motorrad’s premium offering in the mid-range touring enduro segment.

With a full 77 kW (105 hp) of power and a significantly wider range of uses thanks to greatly enhanced off-road qualities and a drastic weight reduction of 14 kg compared to its predecessor, the sporty representative of the GS models in the F Series – like the
R 1300 GS Trophy Competition Bike – also feels at home in Namibia.

The BMW Group
With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company set the course for the future at an early stage and consistently makes sustainability and efficient resource management central to its strategic direction, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.


第4天-2024 年纳米比亚宝马摩托车国际 GS 杯赛-从沙漠到深蓝


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