
欧洲莱德杯队长卢克·唐纳德和“美国队长”帕特里克·里德出席第 35 届宝马国际公开赛

+++ 前世界排名第一的卢克·唐纳德(Luke Donald)(英格兰)重返慕尼黑 +++ 2018 年大师赛冠军帕特里克·里德(Patrick Reed)(美国)首次亮相宝马国际公开赛 +++ 业余席位归于泰格·克里斯滕森(Tiger Christensen)和扬尼克·马利克(Yannik Malik)(均为德国人) +++


+++ 前世界排名第一的卢克·唐纳德(Luke Donald)(英格兰)重返慕尼黑 +++ 2018 年大师赛冠军帕特里克·里德(Patrick Reed)(美国)首次亮相宝马国际公开赛 +++ 业余席位归于泰格·克里斯滕森(Tiger Christensen)和扬尼克·马利克(Yannik Malik)(均为德国人) +++

慕尼黑。又有两位大牌球星正式宣布将参加第 35 届宝马国际公开赛(2024 年 7 月 3 日至 7 日,慕尼黑埃兴里德高尔夫俱乐部)。除了夺得众多个人冠军外,两人还在莱德杯上留下了自己的印记:卢克·唐纳德(Luke Donald)去年带领欧洲队在罗马的传奇团体赛中夺冠,现在开始担任第二任队长;帕特里克·里德(Patrick Reed)在 2014 年首次参加莱德杯时担任美国队的精神领袖,被称为“美国队长”。

无论在哪里开球,这位 46 岁的英国人都是观众的最爱。多年来,球道上一直响起“Luuuuke”的欢呼声。他四次赢得 PGA 巡回赛冠军和七次赢得欧洲巡回赛(现为 DP 世界巡回赛)冠军,包括在宝马 PGA 锦标赛旗舰赛事(2011 年和 2012 年)上连续夺冠,这使他位居世界排名榜首,这一位置他曾短暂中断,持续了一年多。近年来,唐纳德一直全心全意地履行莱德杯队长的职责。今年的宝马国际公开赛上,他将再次将注意力集中在这项赛事上。尽管如此,他仍然是短杆大师,在高尔夫球场上总是值得关注。

“我非常期待在宝马国际公开赛 35 周年之际开球,”唐纳德说道。“这是 DP 世界巡回赛日程表上的标志性赛事,与宝马 PGA 锦标赛一样,它的氛围非常好,代表了宝马在过去几十年里为高尔夫运动发展做出的一切贡献。”

9 次 PGA 巡回赛冠军帕特里克·里德将首次亮相宝马国际公开赛。这位 33 岁的美国人在 2018 年大师赛上取得了他最大的成功,以 268 杆 (-15) 夺冠。然而,里德将因他在 2016 年莱德杯上与罗里·麦克罗伊 (NIR) 的单打比赛而被人们铭记,比赛在哈泽尔廷国家高尔夫俱乐部 (美国)。这两位杰出的球员进行了一场史诗般的对决,最终里德以 1 杆优势获胜,被认为是莱德杯历史上最精彩的比赛之一。

“我对宝马国际公开赛和慕尼黑站的期待非常高,因为我已经听到了很多关于这项赛事的好评,”里德说。“美国宝马锦标赛和宝马 PGA 锦标赛都是很棒的赛事;宝马做得非常好。我相信慕尼黑站的比赛也不会例外,我期待着德国的高尔夫球迷们。”

今年,德国业余选手的两个首发位置分别是来自汉堡的20岁小将泰格·克里斯滕森(Tiger Christensen)和同龄的慕尼黑小将扬尼克·马利克(Yannik Malik)。

第 35届宝马国际公开赛门票可在购买

European Ryder Cup captain Luke Donald and “Captain America” Patrick Reed at the 35th BMW International Open.

+++ Former world number one Luke Donald (ENG) returning to Munich +++ BMW International Open debut for the 2018 Masters champion Patrick Reed (USA) +++ Amateur spots go to Tiger Christensen and Yannik Malik (both GER) +++


+++ Former world number one Luke Donald (ENG) returning to Munich +++ BMW International Open debut for the 2018 Masters champion Patrick Reed (USA) +++ Amateur spots go to Tiger Christensen and Yannik Malik (both GER) +++

Munich. Two more big names have officially announced that they will be appearing at the 35th BMW International Open (3rd to 7th July 2024, Golfclub München Eichenried). In addition to claiming numerous individual titles, both have also made their mark on the Ryder Cup: Luke Donald, who last year led the European team to victory in the legendary team competition in Rome and is now starting his second term as captain, and Patrick Reed, who was dubbed “Captain America” after adopting the role of emotional leader for Team USA on his Ryder Cup debut in 2014.

Wherever he tees off, the 46-year-old Englishman is a crowd favourite. Sustained cries of “Luuuuke” were a feature of the fairways for many years. Four wins on the PGA TOUR and seven European Tour (now DP World Tour) titles, including successive triumphs at the BMW PGA Championship flagship event (2011 and 2012) saw him top the world rankings, a position that he held for over a year with brief interruptions. In recent years, Donald has been concentrating fully on his duties as Ryder Cup captain. He will be focusing his attention on this tournament again at this year’s BMW International Open. Nonetheless, he remains a master of the short game and is always worth watching out on the golf course.

“I am very much looking forward to teeing off at the 35th anniversary of the BMW International Open,” says Donald. “It is an iconic tournament on the DP World Tour calendar, and like the BMW PGA Championship, it has a great atmosphere and represents everything BMW has contributed to the development of golf over the past decades.”

Nine-time PGA TOUR winner Patrick Reed will be making his first appearance at the BMW International Open. The 33-year-old American celebrated his greatest success at the 2018 Masters, taking 268 strokes (-15) to claim victory. However, Reed will be long remembered for his singles match against Rory McIlroy (NIR) in the 2016 Ryder Cup at the Hazeltine National Golf Club (USA). The two exceptional players delivered a duel of epic proportions that culminated in Reed winning 1 up, and is regarded as one of the best matches in Ryder Cup history.

“The anticipation for the BMW International Open and coming to Munich is great because I have already heard many good things about this tournament,” says Reed. “The BMW Championship in the USA and the BMW PGA Championship are fantastic events; BMW just does it really well. I am sure it will be no different in Munich, and I look forward to the golf fans in Germany.”

This year, the two starting spots for German amateurs are going to 20-year-old Tiger Christensen from Hamburg and the coeval Munich native Yannik Malik.

Tickets for the 35th BMW International Open are available at


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