
新款 MINI Countryman D 受欢迎程度:高效驾驶,具有品牌典型的驾驶乐趣

最大的 MINI 配备先进的四缸柴油发动机和 TwinPower Turbo 技术,令人印象深刻。其结果是:高效、动态的运输,经济的消耗。新款 MINI 设计在 Favoured Trim 中尤为突出。


慕尼黑。MINI Countryman 是全新 MINI 家族的全能车型:在城市中灵活,在乡村中舒适,内部空间明显更大。MINI Countryman D 配备高效的两升四缸柴油发动机,为驱动组合增添了另一种驱动选择。由于 MINI Countryman
已经提供纯电动驱动和汽油发动机,因此 MINI 客户可以从整个先进的发动机技术中进行选择。

集成在变速箱中的 48 伏轻度混合动力技术的电动机用于回收制动能量,并支持 14 千瓦电驱动功率的双动力电动机的性能。因此,MINI Countryman D 在低发动机转速下反应更直接,并且在行驶过程中也特别高效。

总体而言,MINI Countryman D 的静音柴油发动机(综合油耗:4.9 — 4.6 升/100 公里;综合二氧化碳排放量:127 — 120 克/公里,符合 WLTP 标准)可提供 120 千瓦/163 马力的输出功率,并在 8.5 秒内从 0 加速到 100 公里/小时。直接转向以及单关节麦弗逊支柱前桥和多连杆后桥的组合保证了品牌典型的卡丁车感觉。

车辆设计精简至基本要素,可通过四种内饰和外观装饰变体(Essential、Classic、Favoured 或 John Cooper Works)单独展示。MINI Countryman D 的 Favoured Trim 和 Midnight Black 金属色车身宽大而直立,尤为引人注目。从正面看,八角形前格栅以鲜艳的银色突出显示,与独特的 MINI LED 大灯一起,增添了强劲的外观。

品牌典型的短悬垂设计凸显了车辆的敏捷特性,与优雅的拉伸车顶形成鲜明对比。时尚设计的 C 柱采用相同的颜色,徽章指向所选的装饰变体。借助标准钢琴黑色车顶导轨,MINI Countryman D 的运输选项可以进一步扩展。轻合金车轮也有各种设计和尺寸可供选择,从 17 英寸到 21 英寸不等。

Countryman 车身尺寸的增加提高了舒适度。驾驶员和乘客的肩部和肘部区域增加了 3 厘米的宽度。后排座椅最多可移动 13 厘米,可提供额外的腿部空间或更多的载货空间。三个后排座椅的靠背可在六个位置上单独调整,最多可调整 12 度。由于后排座椅靠背可以以 40:20:40 的比例放倒,后备箱容积从 450 升增加到 1460 升。

仪表板和车门内板上采用全新织物表面,让车内空间倍感舒适。Panaroma 玻璃车顶亮度更高,视野更开阔,设计简约大方,美感十足。

直径 240 毫米、玻璃表面质量上乘的圆形 OLED 显示屏是 MINI Countryman D 驾驶舱的全新中央仪表。从这里,可以通过触摸或语音命令方便直观地操作信息娱乐和辅助系统。所有驾驶功能都可以通过下方的 MINI 特色拨动开关条进行控制。

MINI 体验模式通过视觉设计、环境照明和创新声音设计的结合,使驾驶舱内的驾驶体验尤为身临其境。

Driving Assistant Plus 首次为 MINI Countryman 增加了在高速公路等路线上进行部分自动化 2 级驾驶的选项。这样,驾驶员可以在车速不超过 60 公里/小时的情况下将手从方向盘上移开,前提是他继续密切关注交通情况并随时准备干预。



MINI Countryman D(综合油耗:4.9 – 4.6 升/100 公里(WLTP 数据);综合二氧化碳排放量:127 – 120 克/公里;二氧化碳等级:D)

The new MINI Countryman D in Favoured Trim: Efficient drive with brand-typical driving pleasure.

The largest MINI impresses with an advanced four-cylinder diesel engine and TwinPower Turbo technology. The result: efficient and dynamic transportation with economical consumption. The new MINI design is particularly expressive in Favoured Trim.


Munich. The MINI Countryman is the all-rounder of the new MINI family: agile in the city, comfortable across the countryside and with noticeably more interior space. With its efficient two-liter four-cylinder diesel engine, the MINI Countryman D adds another drive option to the drive portfolio.
With the purely electric drives and gasoline engines already available for the MINI Countryman, MINI customers can choose from the entire range of advanced engine technology.

Efficient diesel drive with excellent smooth running.
An electric motor with 48-volt mild hybrid technology integrated into the transmission is used to recover braking energy and supports the performance of the twin power motor with 14 kW electric drive power. As a result, the MINI Countryman D reacts more directly at low engine speeds and is also particularly efficient on the move.

Overall, the quiet diesel engine of the MINI Countryman D (combined fuel consumption: 4.9 — 4.6 l/100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 127 — 120 g/km in accordance with WLTP) offers an output of 120 kW/163 hp and accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 8.5 seconds. Direct steering and the combination of single-joint McPherson strut front axle and multi-link rear axle guarantee the brand-typical go-kart feeling.

Purist design with individual expression.
The vehicle design reduced to the essentials can be individually showcased with four trim variants — Essential, Classic, Favoured or John Cooper Works — for the exterior and interior. In Favoured Trim and Midnight Black metallic, the MINI Countryman D is particularly present thanks to the wide and upright stance. When viewed from the front, the octagonal front grille is highlighted in vibrant silver and, together with the distinctive MINI LED headlamps, contributes to the strong appearance.

Brand-typical short overhangs underline the agile vehicle character and contrast with the elegantly stretched vehicle roof. The stylishly designed C-pillar follows in the same color and a badge points to the chosen trim variant. With the standard piano black roof rails, the transport options of the MINI Countryman D can be further expanded. Light alloy wheels are also available in various designs and sizes ranging from 17 to 21 inches.

Spacious interior with innovative technologies.
The increased dimensions of the MINI Countryman body increase comfort. The driver and passenger have an additional three centimeters of width in the shoulder and elbow area. In the back, the rear seat, which can be moved up to 13 centimeters, offers either additional legroom or more cargo space. On the three rear seats, the backrest can be individually adjusted by up to 12 degrees in six positions. The trunk volume increases from 450 liters to up to 1460 liters due to the rear seat back that can be folded down at a ratio of 40:20:40.

New textile surfaces on the dashboard and interior door panels make the interior feel pleasantly homely. The generous, reduced aesthetics of the design are enhanced by the Panaroma glass roof with additional brightness and all-round visibility.

The round OLED display with a diameter of 240 mm and high-quality glass surface is the new central instrument in the cockpit of the MINI Countryman D. From here, the infotainment and assistance systems can be operated conveniently and intuitively via touch or voice command. All driving functions can be controlled via the characteristic MINI toggle switch strip below.

The MINI Experience Modes can make the driving experience in the cockpit particularly immersive through a combination of visual design, ambient lighting and innovative sound design.

For the first time, Driving Assistant Plus expands the MINI Countryman with the option of partially automated Level 2 driving on motorway-like routes. This allows the driver to take his hands off the steering wheel up to a speed of 60 km/h, provided that he continues to closely monitor the traffic and remains ready to intervene at any time.



MINI Countryman D (fuel consumption combined: 4,9 – 4,6 l/100km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 127 – 120 g/km; CO2-class: D)


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