
BMW M 赛车运动新闻,2024 年 6 月 11 日

在我们的 BMW M 赛车新闻中,我们定期为您提供精选照片以及有关全球各种锦标赛的赛车活动和 BMW M 赛车团队成功的简洁而翔实的概述。


BMW M 赛车运动部客户赛车主管 Björn Lellmann:


“过去几周,我们在纽伯格林 24 小时耐力赛以及 DTM、ADAC GT Masters 和 ADAC GT4 德国等著名 GT 系列赛中庆祝了 BMW M Motorsport 车队和车手的众多成功。全球其他众多赛车系列赛也给我们带来了许多欢乐。BMW Italia Ceccato Racing 车队凭借 BMW M4 GT3 继续在意大利 GT 锦标赛中取得佳绩,令人印象深刻。在北美,情况并不像往常那么顺利,但我们能够见证 BMW M4 GT4 在亚洲和澳大利亚的强劲成绩。我向所有参赛者表示祝贺!赛道之外,我们的亮点是在纽伯格林赛道展示 BMW M4 GT3 和 BMW M4 GT4 的 EVO 车型。我们期待能够在短短几周内在斯帕-弗朗科尔尚 24 小时耐力赛期间提供有关新款 BMW M4 GT4 车型的更多详细信息。”



意大利 GT 锦标赛(6 月 1至2):克林曼/丹尼斯在伊莫拉登上领奖台。


本月初,意大利 GT 锦标赛在伊莫拉 (ITA) 举行了 Sprint Cup 第二轮比赛。宝马 M 车队的车手阵容发生了变化,因为马克斯·黑塞 (德国) 同时参加了纽伯格林 24 小时耐力赛 (德国),杰克·丹尼斯 (英国) 与 Jens Klingmann (德国) 在伊莫拉同台竞技。两人在第二场比赛中取得了成功,克林曼和丹尼斯登上了领奖台,获得第二名。第一轮比赛对两人来说很艰难,最终排名第 17 位。在发生碰撞后,克林曼不得不在第二阶段临时进站换胎。


这个周末对于佩德罗·易卜拉欣 (BRA) 和费德里科·马尔维斯蒂 (ITA) 来说也非常成功,他们驾驶 8 号宝马 M4 GT3 参加 Pro-Am 组比赛。在周六的第一轮比赛中,他们获得了各自组别的第三名。周日,两人庆祝了他们本赛季的第二场组别胜利。



日本杯(6 月 8至 9):BMW M4 GT4 首获胜利。


在 Sportsland SUGO (JPN) 举行的日本杯首个比赛周末,YZ Racing 车队驾驶 50 号 BMW M4 GT4 赛车和车手 Yuki Fujii 和 Masaki Kano(均为日本人)赢得了首场比赛。在第二轮比赛中,这对搭档获得了第三名,从而在总排名中处于领先地位。



IMSA 米其林飞行员挑战赛(6 月 8至 9 ):俄亥俄州中部耐力赛。


上周末,IMS​​A 米其林 Pilot Challenge 赛季第二场 4 小时比赛在美国 Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course 举行,但 BMW M Motorsport 车队未能如愿登上领奖台。排名最高的车队是 Turner Motorsport,其 95 号 BMW M4 GT4 和车手 Dillon Machavern 和 Robert Megennis(均来自美国)获得第六名。总共有五辆 BMW M4 GT4 出现在起跑线上。


同样在俄亥俄州中部,VP Racing SportsCar Challenge 举办了两场比赛,共有五辆 BMW M4 GT4 参赛。驾驶 Split Decision Motorsports 88 号赛车的 Patrick Wilmot(美国)在 GSX 级别比赛中以微弱差距错失领奖台,在两场比赛中均获得第四名。



英国 GT 锦标赛(5 月 2526 日):宝马 M4 GT3 在多宁顿进入前六名。


在多宁顿公园(英国)举行的英国 GT 锦标赛第三轮比赛中,宝马 M4 GT3 获得前六名。宝马 M 车队车手丹·哈珀(英国)和他的队友迈克尔·约翰斯顿(英国)驾驶 Century Motorsport 的 14 号赛车获得第六名。


他们的队友 Lewis Plato 和 Carl Cavers(均为英国人)驾驶 22 号宝马 M4 GT3 赛车获得第十二名。这相当于 GT3SA 级别的第四名。宝马 M 车队车手 Raffaele Marciello(瑞士)和他的车手同事 John Ferguson(英国)驾驶 Team RAM Racing 的 15 号宝马 M4 GT3 赛车获得第 17 名。在 GT4PA 级别中,驾驶 Century Motorsport 29 号宝马 M4 GT4 赛车的 Ian Gough 和 Tom Wrigley(均为英国人)获得第四名。



超级 GT 系列赛 (6 月 12日):在铃鹿举行的耐力赛。


在日本超级 GT 系列赛铃鹿站第三季,又举行了一场耐力赛。Studie 车队再次得到了 BMW M 车队车手 Bruno Spengler(加拿大)的支持。他驾驶 7 号 BMW M4 GT3,与 Niklas Krütten(德国)和 Seiji Ara(日本)轮流驾驶。三人从第八发车位出发,在 85 圈后以第七名的成绩冲过终点线。



GT4 澳大利亚(6 月 12日):BMW M4 GT4 在澳大利亚取得成功。


BMW M4 GT4 在澳大利亚也大获成功,即在 GT4 澳大利亚站。在那里,BMW M Motorsport 车队是各种领奖台上的常客。本月初在阿德莱德(澳大利亚)附近的 The Bend Motorsport Park 举行的第二赛季比赛也是如此。两场比赛中排名最高的 BMW M Motorsport 车手是来自 Team Central West Prestige 的 22 号 BMW M4 GT4 的 Tim Leahey(澳大利亚)。在第一场比赛中,他在最高级别银牌组中排名第三。在第二场比赛中,他以第四名的成绩与领奖台失之交臂。


雅各布·劳伦斯 (Jacob Lawrence) (澳大利亚) 驾驶兰德尔赛车队 (Randall Racing) 的 32 号赛车在业余组别中赢得了两项冠军。此外,雷霆巴迪赛车队 (Thunder Buddies Racing) 的 3 号宝马 M4 GT4 赛车也获得了该组别第三名,由莱德·奎因 (Ryder Quinn) 和史蒂夫·贾基奇 (Steve Jakic) (均为澳大利亚人/职业业余组别) 驾驶,兰德尔赛车队 (Randall Racing) (Am) 的 33 号赛车则由杰米·奥古斯丁 (Jamie Augustine) 和彼得·劳伦斯 (Peter Lawrence) (均为澳大利亚人) 轮流驾驶。



BTCC(5 月 25日至26 日/ 6 月 8 日9 日:在斯内特顿和斯鲁克斯顿取得胜利。


最近几周,英国房车锦标赛 (BTCC) 安排了两场比赛。5 月底,在斯内特顿 (Snetterton) (英国) 举行了第三轮比赛,上周末,在瑟克斯顿 (Thruxton) (英国) 举行了第四轮比赛。宝马车手再次取得了巨大的成功。


在斯内特顿,来自 MB Motorsport 的 Laser Tools Racing 车队的杰克·希尔(英国)赢得了“山丘之王”的称号。他克服了变化无常的天气条件,成为了周末的明星。驾驶 24 号宝马 330e M Sport 的希尔不仅在排位赛中速度最快,还赢得了三场比赛中的前两场。即使是时间惩罚也没有阻止他以巨大的领先优势到达终点。在第三轮比赛中,由于赛道条件变干,比赛变成了轮胎抽奖,希尔在雨胎上领先了很长一段时间,但随后光头胎的竞争对手占据了优势,他最终获得​​了第九名。队友鲍比·汤普森(英国)在第一场比赛中为宝马赢得了一二名,驾驶 19 号赛车获得第二名,登上领奖台。


在 Thruxton,希尔重现了三场比赛中前两场获胜的壮举。这使他在最近六场比赛中四次获胜。在当天的第三场比赛中,希尔获得第五名,目前以 164 分位居车手积分榜第二位 – 仅落后领先者 5 分。宝马车队在 Thruxton 不再有领奖台位置。亚当·摩根 (Adam Morgan) (英国) 在上一场比赛中获得第四名,在此之前两次获得第八名。科林·特金顿 (Colin Turkington) 两次获得第七名,一次获得第九名。他在车手积分榜上排名第四。

BMW M Motorsport News, 11th June 2024.

In our BMW M Motorsport News, we regularly offer you a selection of photos as well as a compact and informative overview of the racing action in various championships worldwide and the successes of the BMW M Motorsport teams.


Björn Lellmann, Head of Customer Racing at BMW M Motorsport:


“Over the past weeks, we had many successes of the BMW M Motorsport teams and drivers to celebrate at the 24h Nürburgring as well as in renowned GT series such as the DTM, ADAC GT Masters, and ADAC GT4 Germany. There was also plenty of reason for joy in numerous other racing series worldwide. The BMW Italia Ceccato Racing team impressively continued its successful streak in the Italian GT Championship with the BMW M4 GT3. In North America, things did not go as well as usual, but we were able to witness strong results of the BMW M4 GT4 in Asia and Australia. I congratulate all participants! Off the racetrack, our highlight was the presentation of the EVO models of the BMW M4 GT3 and BMW M4 GT4 at the Nürburgring. We look forward to being able to provide more details about the new BMW M4 GT4 model in just a few weeks on the sidelines of the 24 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps.”



Italian GT Championship (1st-2nd June): Podium for Klingmann/Dennis at Imola.


The Italian GT Championship visited Imola (ITA) for the second round of the Sprint Cup at the beginning of the month. There was a change in the line-up of BMW M works drivers for the Team BMW Italia Ceccato Racing #7 BMW M4 GT3 as Max Hesse (GER) was simultaneously competing in the 24h Nürburgring (GER), Jake Dennis (GBR) shared the cockpit with Jens Klingmann (GER) at Imola. The duo was successful in the second of the two races when Klingmann and Dennis finished second on the podium. The first run was difficult for the two, ending in 17th place. After contact, Klingmann had to make an unscheduled pitstop to change a tyre during the second stint.


The weekend was also successful for Pedro Ebrahim (BRA) and Federico Malvestiti (ITA), who compete in the Pro-Am class with the #8 BMW M4 GT3. In the first run on Saturday, they secured third place in their category. On Sunday, the duo then celebrated their second class win of the season.



Japan Cup (8th-9th June): Opening victory for the BMW M4 GT4.


At the first race weekend of the Japan Cup at Sportsland SUGO (JPN) the YZ Racing team, with the #50 BMW M4 GT4 and drivers Yuki Fujii and Masaki Kano (both JPN), won the opening race. In the second run, the duo finished in third place and thus took the lead in the overall standings.



IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge (8th-9th June): Endurance race in Mid-Ohio.


The second 4-hour race of the season in the IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge took place at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course (USA) last weekend, however without the hoped-for podium successes for the BMW M Motorsport teams. The highest-placed crew was Turner Motorsport with the #95 BMW M4 GT4 and drivers Dillon Machavern and Robert Megennis (both USA) finishing in sixth place. In total, five BMW M4 GT4s were on the starting grid.


Also in Mid-Ohio, the VP Racing SportsCar Challenge held two races in which five BMW M4 GT4s competed. In the Split Decision Motorsports #88 car, Patrick Wilmot (USA) narrowly missed the podium in the GSX class, finishing fourth in both races.



British GT Championship (25th-26th May): BMW M4 GT3 in the top six at Donington.


At the third round of the British GT Championship at Donington Park (GBR), there was a top-six finish for the BMW M4 GT3. BMW M works driver Dan Harper (GBR) and his teammate Michael Johnston (GBR) finished sixth in the Century Motorsport #14 car.


Their teammates Lewis Plato and Carl Cavers (both GBR) finished twelfth in the #22 BMW M4 GT3. That was equivalent to fourth place in the GT3SA class. BMW M works driver Raffaele Marciello (SUI) and his driving colleague John Ferguson (GBR) saw the checkered flag in the #15 BMW M4 GT3 from Team RAM Racing in 17th place. In the GT4PA class, Ian Gough and Tom Wrigley (both GBR) in the Century Motorsport #29 BMW M4 GT4 finished fourth.



Super GT Series (1st-2nd June): Endurance race at Suzuka.


At the third season round of the Japanese Super GT Series at Suzuka (JPN), another endurance race was held. Team Studie was again supported by BMW M works driver Bruno Spengler (CAN). In the #7 BMW M4 GT3, he alternated with Niklas Krütten (GER) and Seiji Ara (JPN). The trio started from eighth on the grid and crossed the finish line in seventh place after 85 laps.



GT4 Australia (1st-2nd June): BMW M4 GT4 successful in Australia.


The BMW M4 GT4 is also successful down under, namely in GT4 Australia. There, the BMW M Motorsport teams are regular guests on the various podiums. That was also the case at the second season round at the beginning of the month at The Bend Motorsport Park near Adelaide (AUS). The highest-placed BMW M Motorsport driver in both races was Tim Leahey (AUS) in the #22 BMW M4 GT4 from Team Central West Prestige. In the first race, he finished third in the highest class, the Silver category. In the second race, he narrowly missed the podium with fourth in his class.


Two class victories were celebrated by Jacob Lawrence (AUS) in the #32 car from Randall Racing in the Am category. In addition, there was a third place on the class podium for the #3 BMW M4 GT4 from Thunder Buddies Racing, driven by Ryder Quinn and Steve Jakic (both AUS / Pro-Am), as well as the #33 car from Randall Racing (Am), in which Jamie Augustine and Peter Lawrence (both AUS) took turns.



BTCC (25th-26th May / 8th-9th June): Victories at Snetterton and Thruxton.


Two events were on the schedule in the British Touring Car Championship (BTCC) in recent weeks. At the end of May, it was the third season round at Snetterton (GBR), and last weekend, round four followed at Thruxton (GBR). BMW drivers were once again extremely successful.


At Snetterton, Jake Hill (GBR) from Team Laser Tools Racing with MB Motorsport crowned himself “King of the Hill”. He defied the very changeable weather conditions and was the star of the weekend. With the #24 BMW 330e M Sport, Hill was not only the fastest in qualifying but also won the first two of the three races. Not even a time penalty prevented him from reaching the finish with a large lead. In the third run, which became a tyre lottery due to drying track conditions, Hill led the field for a long time on rain tyres, but then the competition on slicks had the advantage, and he finished ninth in the end. Teammate Bobby Thompson (GBR) completed a BMW one-two result in the first race, finishing second in the #19 car on the podium.


At Thruxton, Hill repeated the feat of winning the first two of the three races. That gave him four victories from the last six races. In the third race of the day, Hill managed fifth place, which with 164 points now puts him in second place in the drivers’ standings – just five points behind the leader. There were no more podium places for the BMW teams at Thruxton. Adam Morgan (GBR) finished fourth in the last race and twice in eighth place before that. Colin Turkington was twice seventh and once ninth. He is in fourth place in the drivers’ standings.


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