

日期:2024 年 6 月 7 日 | 德国圣阿加塔·波洛涅塞/科隆



德国圣亚加塔·波隆尼/科隆,2024 年 6 月 6 日——兰博基尼在科隆开设了新经销店,展出了最近在北京车展上亮相的新款插电式混合动力超级 SUV Urus SE。客户和爱好者现在可以在一座 2700 平方米的新建筑中体验来自圣亚加塔·波隆尼的超级跑车品牌。约 350 名嘉宾与兰博基尼汽车公司总裁兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann、首席营销和销售官 Federico Foschini 以及 Moll 集团的管理层一起庆祝了正式开业。

位于 Vitalisstrasse 206 的兰博基尼展厅占地 800 平方米,展示了该品牌的现有车型,并为所有客户提供了个性化定制兰博基尼的机会,在 Ad Personam 区域,客户可以选择几乎无限的颜色和材料来定制自己梦想中的兰博基尼。在Selezione Lamborghini Certified Pre-Owned中,客户可以期待一系列二手车型,所有兰博基尼均由制造商授权的技术人员在 1300 平方米的服务区内提供服务。

“我很荣幸能与我们品牌的客户一起庆祝新店开业,” Stephan Winkelmann 解释道。“新店为我们即将推出的全混合动力超级跑车产品组合提供了完美的背景。此外,这家现代化的新经销店将使我们能够更好地满足客户的需求,在新的 Ad Personam 区域,每位访客不仅可以梦想拥有自己的兰博基尼,还可以根据自己的意愿对其进行个性化设置。 ”

除了新展厅外,所有来宾都有机会亲眼目睹新款兰博基尼 Urus SE [1]。这款全球最强大的超级 SUV 以 Bianco Sapphirus(白色)亮相,内饰为 Terra Kedros,其改进的空气动力学、新颖的设计和前所未有的技术解决方案令人印象深刻。在舒适性、性能、效率、排放​​和驾驶乐趣方面,它凭借两颗心脏超越了 Urus S。通过内燃机和电动机的组合,它实现了惊人的扭矩和性能值,使其在同类产品中占据独特地位,同时使排放量减少 80%。

经过改进的四升 V8 双涡轮增压发动机与电动传动系统协同工作。它的输出功率为 620 CV(456 kW),驱动扭矩为 800 牛顿米,并与功率为 192 CV(141 kW)和扭矩为 483 牛顿米的电动传动系统相结合。在最大输出方面,主要关注的是内燃机和电动机之间的校准策略。该系统的总输出功率为 800 CV(588 kW),并确保在每种驾驶模式和每种路面上都能实现最佳功率曲线。25.9 kWh 锂离子电池位于充电地板下方和电子控制后轴差速器上方。

[1]该车辆尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94/EC 指令约束。燃油消耗和排放数据处于类型核准阶段。

Grand opening of Lamborghini dealership in Cologne

DATE: 07 Jun 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese/Cologne, Germany

Lamborghini Cologne welcomes customers and friends of the brand in a new facility for an exceptional brand experience

Sant’Agata Bolognese/Cologne, Germany, 6 June 2024 – Lamborghini inaugurated its new dealership in Cologne by exhibiting Urus SE – the new plug-in hybrid super SUV recently presented at the Beijng Motor Show. Customers and enthusiasts can now experience the super sports car brand from Sant’Agata Bolognese in a new 2700 square metre building. Around 350 guests celebrated the official opening together with Stephan Winkelmann, President and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini; Federico Foschini, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer; and management of the Moll Group.

The Lamborghini showroom at Vitalisstrasse 206 presents the brand’s current models in an 800 square metre facility, and offers all customers the opportunity to personalise the Lamborghini of their dreams with an almost limitless choice of colours and materials in an Ad Personam area. In the Selezione Lamborghini Certified Pre-Owned, customers can expect a range of pre-owned models, and all Lamborghinis are serviced by manufacturer-authorized technicians in a 1300 square metre service area.

“It is a great honour for me to celebrate this new opening together with the customers of our brand,” explains Stephan Winkelmann. “The new premises are the perfect backdrop for our portfolio of soon-to-be entirely hybridized super sports cars. In addition, this contemporary new dealership will enable us to meet the needs of our customers even better, and in the new Ad Personam area, every visitor can not only dream of their own Lamborghini but also personalise it to suit their wishes.”

In addition to the new showroom, all guests were able to see at first hand the new Lamborghini Urus SE[1]. The world’s most powerful Super SUV was on show in Bianco Sapphirus (white) with an interior in Terra Kedros, impressing with its revised aerodynamics, fresh design and unprecedented technological solutions. In terms of comfort, performance, efficiency, emissions and driving pleasure, it surpasses the Urus S thanks to its two hearts. With the combination of combustion engine and electric motor, it achieves sensational torque and performance values that give it a unique position in its segment and at the same time enable an 80% reduction in emissions.

Its revised four-litre V8 with biturbo charging works in synergy with the electric drivetrain. It develops an output of 620 CV (456 kW) and a drive torque of 800 Newton metres and is combined with an electric drivetrain with 192 CV (141 kW) and 483 Newton metres of torque. In terms of maximum output, the main focus was on the calibration strategy between the combustion engine and electric motor. The system develops a total output of 800 CV (588 kW) and guarantees an optimum power curve in every driving mode and on every surface. The 25.9 kWh lithium-ion battery is located under the charging floor and above the electronically-controlled rear axle differential.

[1] The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data is in the type approval stage.


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