
Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este 展出四件历史悠久的兰博基尼杰作

日期:2024 年 5 月 27 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞


Miura P400、Countach LP 400、Countach 25 th和 Diablo GT 在切尔诺比奥亮相

圣亚加塔·波隆尼,2024 年 5 月 27 日——2024 年埃斯特庄园古董车展吸引了众多兰博基尼经典车型参展。该赛事自 1929 年开始举办,现已成为世界上历史最悠久、最著名的古董车展之一。今年的比赛共迎来了四辆在圣亚加塔·波隆尼生产的汽车,证明了兰博基尼经典车越来越受关注。1967 年的 Miura P400 在切尔诺比奥的 D 级赛中亮相,名为“更快!公路上的军备竞赛”,H 级赛名为“极品飞车:影像一代的超级跑车明星”,其中包括 1976 年的 Countach LP 400、Countach 25 周年纪念版和 1999 年的 Diablo GT。此次评选涵盖了三十多年的时间跨度,囊括了该时期生产的所有最具代表性的 V12 发动机车型。这也是年轻款 Diablo 首次在 Villa d’Este 展出,证明了这款车型作为经典车型越来越受到收藏家的青睐和追捧。

“值得一提的是,在埃斯特庄园展出的四辆兰博基尼汽车中,有一辆已经获得了 Polo Storico 颁发的真品证书,另外两辆正在申请中,”兰博基尼售后总监 Alessandro Farmeschi 说道。“这表明我们的专家所做的工作越来越受到收藏家的赞赏。同样值得一提的是,得益于 Polo Storico 的档案,我们可以肯定地验证我们的汽车的状况,从最早的 350 GT 到 2001 年生产的最后一辆 Diablo;我们可以证明它的当前状况是否与首次交付时完全一样,并重现它的历史。”

值得注意的是 Countach LP400 的成功,评审团授予其 V12 最佳音效奖“il Canto del Motore”奖杯,而 Diablo GT 则在 Villa D’Este 比赛中首次亮相,赢得了“BMW Group Ragazzi”奖杯。在 Villa Erba 的公众开放日,Diablo 被 16 岁以下观众评选为比赛中最具代表性的汽车。


兰博基尼Miura P400(1967年) 

Miura 于 1966 年亮相,其造型、机械解决方案和性能特点都极具开创性,记者们不得不发明一个新词来定义它:超级跑车。1967 年 12 月在 Villa d’Este 比赛中亮相的 Miura P400 最初运往美国,通过位于加利福尼亚的 Bob Estes 经销商在当地市场销售。这辆车的外部颜色为 Rosso Miura(红色),内饰为 Nero(黑色),车主刚刚对其进行了全面修复,车主还要求该车获得 Polo Storico Lamborghini 的认证,目前该认证正在由 Polo Storico Lamborghini 处理。

兰博基尼Countach LP 400(1976年) 

Countach 是兰博基尼最具代表性的车型之一,截至 1990 年共生产了五个主要系列:LP 400、LP400 S、LP500S、LP 5000 Quattrovalvole 和 25 周年纪念版。Countach LP 400 于 1976 年 12 月 24 日通过米兰经销商 Achilli Motors 交付,在 Villa D’Este 展出,因其原始配色 Viola(紫色)与 Bianco(白色)内饰而成为最具辨识度的车型之一。5 月 25 日星期六,这款搭载兰博基尼 V12 发动机的汽车被 Concorso di Villa D’Este 评委会授予“il Canto del Motore”最佳音响奖杯。

兰博基尼 Countach 25 周年纪念版(1990 年)

Countach 25th Anniversary 于 1988 年为庆祝兰博基尼汽车公司成立 25 周年而打造,是产量最多的 Countach 版本。Countach 25th Anniversary 于 1990 年 2 月 27 日发布,并于 3 月 27 日在伦敦的 Portman 经销店交付,参加了今年的 H 类比赛,是此系列中为数不多的右驾车型之一。它采用特殊的配色,外部为“Arancio 1120106”(橙色),内饰为香槟色。仅凭外部颜色就已使其独一无二,因为它是为第一位车主打造的,车主希望它与他的第一辆 Countach——Arancio(橙色)颜色的 LP400 拥有相同的颜色。但由于 Countach 25th 没有这种颜色,因此为车主重新打造,并以他的第一辆车的 VIN 重新命名。因此,这种颜色的 Countach 25th 仅存一辆。这辆车行驶里程数极少,从未修复过,最近刚刚获得 Polo Storico 认证。

兰博基尼Diablo GT(1999年)

Diablo GT 仅量产了 80 辆。GT 源自 GT2 赛车版的众多解决方案的组合,安装在 Diablo 量产车型的基础上,打造出性能非凡的公路合法汽车。因此,在 1999 年 3 月亮相时,Diablo GT 是世界上速度最快的量产车,最高时速为 346 公里/小时(215 英里/小时),这绝非巧合。在 Villa d’Este 参赛的 Diablo GT 是 80 辆中的第六辆,于 1999 年 11 月 18 日发布,并通过米兰的 Touring Auto 交付给第一位车主。它的原始颜色组合仍为钛银色,内饰为 Alcantara Blu(蓝色),并配有外露的碳纤维机翼。它还配备了可选的短齿轮比(17/43)以及车载收音机和后置摄像头。该车正在接受 Polo Storico Lamborghini 的分析,以获得真品认证。Diablo 首次亮相比赛,在 Villa Erba 获得了“BMW Group Ragazzi”奖杯。

Four historic Lamborghini masterpieces at Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este

DATE: 27 May 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese

Miura P400, Countach LP 400, Countach 25th, and Diablo GT star in Cernobbio

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 27 May 2024 – A significant list of classic Lamborghini models participated in the 2024 Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este.  This year’s competition, which has run since 1929 and is now one of the oldest and most celebrated in the world, welcomed a cohort of four cars produced in Sant’Agata Bolognese, confirming the growing attention commanded by Lamborghini’s classic cars. A 1967 Miura P400 was on show in Cernobbio in Class D, titled “Faster! The Arms Race On The Road”, and Class H, called “The Need For Speed: Supercar Stars of The Video Generation”, included a 1976 Countach LP 400, a Countach 25th Anniversary, and a 1999 Diablo GT. The selection encompassed a period of more than thirty years, involving all the most iconic V12-engined models produced in that period. It is also the first time the youngtimer Diablo has been shown at Villa d’Este, confirming the increasing appreciation of this model as a classic car and sought-after by collectors.

“It’s important to point out that at Villa d’Este, of the four Lamborghini cars presented, one has already received the Certificate of Authenticity from Polo Storico and two are currently in the process of attaining it,” said Alessandro Farmeschi, Lamborghini’s After Sales Director. “This demonstrates how the work done by our specialists is gaining increasing appreciation among collectors. It’s also worth mentioning that it is thanks to the archives of Polo Storico, our in-house department in charge of managing all of Lamborghini’s history, that we can verify with certainty the condition of our cars, from the very first 350 GT to the last Diablo produced in 2001; we can certify whether its current condition has remained exactly as it was when first delivered, and reconstruct its history.”

Worthy of note is the success achieved by the Countach LP400, awarded by the jury for its V12 with the ‘il Canto del Motore’ trophy for the best sound, and the Diablo GT, which, in its debut as a model at the Villa D’Este competition, won the ‘BMW Group Ragazzi’ trophy. The Diablo was voted, during the public open day at Villa Erba, as the most iconic car in the competition by the under-16 audience.

Each of the four cars presented by their owners at the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este has a unique and fascinating story that deserves to be told.

Lamborghini Miura P400 (1967) 

The Miura was unveiled in 1966 and was so extraordinarily groundbreaking in its styling, mechanical solutions, and performance features that, in order to define it, journalists had to invent a new word: supercar. The Miura P400 of December 1967 in competition at Villa d’Este was originally shipped to the United States, sold in the local market through the California-based Bob Estes dealership.  With exterior color Rosso Miura (red) and Nero (black) interior the car has just been subjected to a complete restoration by its owner, who also requested that the car be certified by the Polo Storico Lamborghini, which is now handling the application.

Lamborghini Countach LP 400 (1976) 

The Countach is one of Lamborghini’s most iconic models, produced in five main series up to 1990: the LP 400, LP400 S, LP500S, LP 5000 Quattrovalvole, and 25th Anniversary. Delivered on 24 December 1976, through the Milan dealership Achilli Motors, the Countach LP 400 on show at Villa D’Este is one of the most recognizable because of its original color combination of Viola (purple) with Bianco (white) interior. The car, with its Lamborghini V12, was awarded on Saturday 25 May by the jury of the Concorso di Villa D’Este with the ‘il Canto del Motore’ trophy for best sound.

Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary (1990)

The Countach 25th Anniversary was created in 1988 to celebrate the first 25 years of Automobili Lamborghini and was the Countach version produced in the largest number of units. Released on 27 February and delivered on 27 March 1990 at the Portman dealership in London, the Countach 25th Anniversary competing in this year’s H category is one of the few cars in this series produced with right-hand drive. It features a special color combination with exterior in “Arancio 1120106” (orange) and Champagne interior. The exterior color alone made it unique, as it was created for its first owner who wanted it to be the same color as his first Countach, an LP400 in the Arancio (orange) color. But since this color was not offered for the Countach 25th, it was recreated for the owner and renamed with the VIN of his first car. Thus only one Countach 25th exists in this color. The car has been driven very few miles, has never been restored, and was recently certified by Polo Storico.

Lamborghini Diablo GT (1999)

Only eighty Diablo GTs were mass-produced. The GT originated from the combination of many of the solutions used on the GT2 racing version, mounted on the base of the Diablo production model to create a road-legal car featuring extraordinary performance. Thus it is no coincidence that at the time of its unveiling in March 1999, the Diablo GT was the fastest production car in the world, with a top speed of 346 km/h (215 mph). The Diablo GT competing at Villa d’Este, number six of 80, was released on November 18, 1999, and delivered to its first owner through Touring Auto in Milan. Its original color combination, still present, is Titanium Silver with interior in Alcantara Blu (blue) and exposed carbon fiber wing. It had also been specified with the optional short gear ratios (17/43) and provisions for a car radio and rear camera. The car is in the middle of the analysis process by the Polo Storico Lamborghini to obtain the Certification of Authenticity. The Diablo, which was present at the competition for the first time, was awarded the ‘BMW Group Ragazzi’ trophy at Villa Erba.


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