
MINI John Cooper Works 和 Bulldog Racing 在纽博格林 24 小时耐力赛上展开激烈角逐

MINI 的高性能部门 John Cooper Works 正在为 6 月 1 日至 6 月 2 日在传奇的纽伯格林 24 小时耐力赛上举行的一场激动人心的比赛做准备。


纽伯格。作为世界上最具挑战性的耐力赛之一,第 52 届纽伯格林 24 小时耐力赛将在标志性的纽伯格林赛道上考验人类和机器的极限。这条世界上最长的赛道由纽伯格林北环赛道和大奖赛赛道组成,全长 25.378 公里,将有 23 个不同级别的 130 辆赛车和来自三十多个国家的 450 多名车手参赛。

John Cooper Works 拥有扎根于赛车运动的传统,今年的比赛带来了一系列强大的赛车。从令人肾上腺素飙升的 MINI John Cooper Works PRO #317 到精心设计的 MINI John Cooper Works #474,每辆车都在英国牛津制造,然后在纽伯格的 Bulldog Racing 精心打造,以在赛道上提供无与伦比的性能和可靠性。

MINI John Cooper Works PRO 的车身编号为 317,基于新款 MINI John Cooper Works 打造,后者将于 2024 年秋季全球首发,并在纽伯格林赛道首次亮相,其车身采用 MINI 设计团队设计的红白主题赛车外壳。

参加 SP-3T 级别比赛的 MINI John Cooper Works PRO(#317)的车手:
Charlie Cooper(英国)

Markus Fischer(奥地利)

Christoph Kragenings(德国)


MINI John Cooper Works 编号为 474,是今年比赛中唯一配备 6 速手动变速箱的赛车。它证明了 John Cooper Works 对精密工程和卓越驾驶体验的承诺。

参加 VT-2 级别比赛的 MINI John Cooper Works 1to6 版(#474)车手:
Michael Bräutigam(德国)




随着纽伯格林 24 小时耐力赛的气氛日益高涨,John Cooper Works 和 Bulldog Racing 仍专注于在赛道上取得成功,同时突破性能和可靠性的界限。主办方预计本周末将有超过 20 万名游客前来观看比赛。

MINI John Cooper Works and Bulldog Racing Rev Up for Intense Competition at the 24 Hours Nürburgring.

John Cooper Works, the high-performance division of MINI, is gearing up for an exhilarating race at the legendary 24 Hours Nürburgring from June 1st – June 2nd.


Nürburg. As one of the most demanding endurance races in the world, the 52nd edition of the 24 Hours Nürburgring will test the limits of both man and machine on the iconic Nürburgring. The longest racetrack in the world – a 25.378 km long combination of the Nordschleife and Grand Prix circuit – will be contested by 130 vehicles in 23 different classes, and over 450 drivers from three dozen nations.

With a legacy rooted in motorsport, John Cooper Works brings a formidable lineup of racecars to this year’s competition. From the adrenaline-fueled MINI John Cooper Works PRO #317 to the precision-engineered MINI John Cooper Works #474, each car is built in Oxford, UK, and then meticulously crafted in Nürburg at Bulldog Racing to deliver unrivaled performance and reliability on the track.

The MINI John Cooper Works PRO, sporting #317, is based on the new MINI John Cooper Works, which debuts at the Nürburgring ahead of its world premiere later in fall 2024 and is camouflaged in a red and white themed motorsport wrap designed by the MINI Design Team.

The drivers for MINI John Cooper Works PRO (#317), which competes at the SP-3T class:
Charlie Cooper (GBR)

Markus Fischer (AUT)

Christoph Kragenings (GER)

Sebastian Sauerbrei (GER)

The MINI John Cooper Works, with #474, is the only car equipped with a 6-speed manual transmission starting at this year’s edition of the race. It stands as a testament to John Cooper Works’ commitment to precision engineering and driving excellence.

Drivers for MINI John Cooper Works 1to6 edition (#474), which competes at the VT-2 class:
Michael Bräutigam (GER)

Andreas Hilgers (GER)

Sascha Korte (GER)

Marco Zabel (GER)

As the excitement builds for the 24 Hours Nürburgring, John Cooper Works and Bulldog Racing remain focused on achieving success on the track while pushing the boundaries of performance and reliability. The organizers expect over 200,000 visitors over the weekend.






朗格及更长:第 35 届宝马国际公开赛
