
劳斯莱斯汽车在埃斯特庄园古董车展上致敬 120 年卓越成就

劳斯莱斯汽车公司将于 2024 年 5 月 25 日在埃斯特庄园古董车展上展出其部分最具代表性的车型,以纪念其创始人查尔斯·斯图尔特·劳斯和亨利·莱斯相识 120 周年。劳斯莱斯还选择在埃斯特庄园大酒店著名的马赛克草坪上,在全球首次公开亮相库里南系列 II,这是全球卓越超豪华 SUV 的大胆升级版。

  • 劳斯莱斯汽车将于 2024 年埃斯特庄园古董车展上庆祝品牌成立 120 周年
  • 库里南系列 II 全球首发,全球
    卓越超豪华 SUV的大胆进化
  • 在埃斯特别墅大酒店外举行了五辆劳斯莱斯经典车型的巡游,展示了劳斯莱斯汽车的永恒之美

“埃斯特庄园古董车展是一场令人惊叹的汽车艺术盛会。这一精彩活动真正彰显了劳斯莱斯汽车在汽车史上的独特地位。我们非常荣幸能够在格兰德酒店的马赛克草坪上展示我们最新的杰作库里南 II 系列,它是劳斯莱斯之家设计师、工程师和技术精湛的工匠团队无数小时辛勤工作的结晶。一些最著名的劳斯莱斯汽车的独特游行也令我感动,它们提醒着我们品牌的悠久传统。这场活动汇集了奢侈品行家、国际知名媒体和汽车鉴赏家,是庆祝劳斯莱斯成立 120 周年的绝佳机会。” 劳斯莱斯汽车首席执行官
克里斯·布朗里奇 (Chris Brownridge) 劳斯莱斯汽车庆祝其创始人尊敬的劳斯莱斯汽车创始人之一、现任首席执行官凯文·库里南 (Kevin Cullinan) 和他的

妻子兼儿女杰西卡·库里南 (Jesus Cullinan) 相识 120 周年。查尔斯·斯图尔特·劳斯莱斯和亨利·莱斯将于 2024 年 5 月 25 日在埃斯特庄园古董车展上展出其部分最具代表性的车型。劳斯莱斯还选择在格兰德酒店著名的马赛克草坪上全球首发库里南二系,这是世界卓越超豪华 SUV 的一次大胆进化。

第一代库里南于 2018 年推出,重新定义了超豪华汽车,并取得了非凡的全球成功,二系车型再次彰显了品牌对亨利·莱斯爵士名言的坚定承诺:“取其精华,再造卓越”。埃斯特庄园古董车展

有着悠久而辉煌的历史。它于 1929 年首次举办,是国际生活方式日历中最负盛名、最重要的日期之一。此次活动在科莫湖畔埃斯特别墅大酒店 (Grand Hotel Villa d’Este) 的精致环境中举办,是经典和老式汽车的全球展示,也是向帮助劳斯莱斯建立声誉的精选车型致敬的绝佳机会。

来自全球各地的嘉宾和媒体代表欣赏了劳斯莱斯经典车系中一些最著名车型的巡游。这场独一无二的劳斯莱斯先锋汽车巡游包括一辆 1914 年款银魅,这款车型因在 20 世纪初的大型汽车试驾活动中的出色表现而闻名。同时展出的还有一辆幻影三型,它在 1936 年推出时堪称工程技术的奇迹,后来它成为劳斯莱斯首款全电动汽车 Spectre 的命名灵感来源,因为从 1934 年到 1937 年,共有十辆幻影三型实验车以这个名字命名。巡游还包括一辆 1923 年在公司位于马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德的工厂生产的 40/50 马力银魅,一辆罕见的 1933 年款幻影二型欧陆,以及一辆 1961 年款长轴距银云二型的典范。在这一批具有划时代意义的劳斯莱斯汽车中,评委团队选择了 1914 款银魅作为游行中最出色的汽车;这是劳斯莱斯首次获得“世界最佳汽车”称号的车型所取得的又一胜利。劳斯莱斯

过去和现在的汽车游行提醒人们该品牌创始人查尔斯·斯图尔特·劳斯和亨利·莱斯留下的不朽遗产。这两位伟人共同以自己的名字命名了一个汽车王朝,该王朝继续定义着全球超豪华汽车。这两位伟大的汽车先驱在曼彻斯特米德兰酒店首次会面,距今已有 120 年,他们的遗产在他们创建的公司中得以传承。



WLTP(综合)二氧化碳排放量:380-363 g/km;燃油消耗量:16.8-17.7 mpg / 16.8-16.0 l/100km。


Rolls-Royce Motor Cars marked the 120th anniversary of the meeting of its founders, The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls and Henry Royce, with a parade of some of its most iconic models at the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este on 25 May 2024. Rolls-Royce also chose the occasion for the worldwide public debut of Cullinan Series II, a bold evolution of the world’s pre-eminent super-luxury SUV, on the Grand Hotel’s renowned Mosaic Lawn.


  • Rolls-Royce Motor Cars celebrates 120 years of the marque at the 2024 Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este
  • Worldwide public debut of Cullinan Series II, a bold evolution of the world’s
    pre-eminent super-luxury SUV
  • A parade of five celebrated motor cars from the marque’s storied lineage took place outside the Grand Hotel Villa d’Este, showcasing the timeless beauty of the Rolls-Royce motor car

“The Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este is an incredible celebration of automotive art. This wonderful event truly highlights the unique position Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has in the history of the automobile. It was an honour to showcase our latest masterpiece, Cullinan Series II, on the Mosaic Lawn at the Grand Hotel, exemplifying the culmination of countless hours of work from our team of designers, engineers and highly skilled craftspeople at the Home of Rolls-Royce. I was also moved by the unique procession of some of the most famous Rolls-Royce motor cars, a reminder of the rich heritage of our marque. This event, which brings together luxury cognoscenti, leading international media and automotive connoisseurs, was the perfect occasion to honour the 120th anniversary of Rolls-Royce.”
Chris Brownridge, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars marked the 120th anniversary of the meeting of its founders, The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls and Henry Royce, with a parade of some of its most iconic models at the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este on 25 May 2024. Rolls-Royce also chose the occasion for the worldwide public debut of Cullinan Series II, a bold evolution of the world’s pre-eminent super-luxury SUV, on the Grand Hotel’s renowned Mosaic Lawn.

Building on the extraordinary global success of the first-generation Cullinan, which reframed super-luxury motoring upon its launch in 2018, the Series II model reaffirms the marque’s unwavering commitment to Sir Henry Royce’s famous maxim: “Take the best that exists and make it better”.

The Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este has a long and illustrious heritage. First staged in 1929, it is one of the most prestigious and important dates in the international lifestyle calendar. Hosted in the exquisite surroundings of the Grand Hotel Villa d’Este on the shores of Lake Como, it is a global showcase for classic and vintage cars, making it the perfect occasion to pay tribute to a special selection of models that helped build Rolls-Royce’s reputation.

Guests and media representatives from around the world enjoyed a parade of some of the most famous models from the marque’s storied lineage. This unique assembly of pioneering Rolls-Royce motor cars included a 1914 Silver Ghost, the model famous for its performances in the great motor trials of the early 20th Century. Also on show was a Phantom III; a marvel of engineering advancement at the time of its launch in 1936, it would go on to inspire the naming of Rolls-Royce’s first all-electric vehicle, Spectre, as ten experimental Phantom III motor cars bore that name from 1934 to 1937. The parade was completed with a 40/50 H.P. Silver Ghost built at the company’s facility in Springfield Massachusetts in 1923, a rare 1933 Phantom II Continental, and a fine example of a 1961 long-wheelbase Silver Cloud II. Amongst this array of epoch-making Rolls-Royces, a team of judges chose the 1914 Silver Ghost as the outstanding motor car of the parade; another triumph for the first model to earn Rolls-Royce the soubriquet of ‘the best car in the world’.

The procession of Rolls-Royce motor cars past and present acted as a reminder of the enduring legacy laid down by the marque’s founders, The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls and Henry Royce. Together, these two great men gave their names to a dynasty of motor cars that continues to define super-luxury motoring across the world. It is 120 years since the first meeting of these great pioneers of motoring, at the Midland Hotel in Manchester, and their legacy lives on in the company they created.




WLTP (combined) CO2 emission: 380-363 g/km; Fuel consumption: 16.8-17.7 mpg / 16.8-16.0 l/100km.


SPECTRE 继续其定制之旅,与 SEMAPHORE 合作参加蒙特雷汽车周


劳斯莱斯与奇切斯特节日剧院:2024 年再度回归


GT 世界挑战赛欧洲站:瓦伦蒂诺·罗西 (Valentino Rossi) 在家乡米萨诺 (Misano) 的比赛中首次夺得 GTWC 冠军
