
BMW 摩托车推出 BMW R20 概念车



慕尼黑/切尔诺比奥。在科莫湖风景如画的埃斯特别墅前,宝马摩托车发布了其最新的设计杰作:宝马 R20 概念车。这款摩托车彰显了最高工艺水平,是富有表现力和炫酷设计的典范,精致到每一个细节。

作为著名的埃斯特庄园古董车展 (Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este) 的一部分,BMW 摩托车展示了传奇的风油冷 Big Boxer 发动机作为中心雕塑元素,而埃斯特庄园古董车展以其优雅和非凡车辆的历史意义而闻名。

BMW 摩托车负责人 Markus Flasch 对这一概念的描述如下:
“BMW R20 概念车是一款机械杰作,其核心是 Big Boxer。这是 BMW 摩托车独有的风格。”


BMW R20 概念摩托车以其休闲绅士风格的强大外观给人留下深刻印象,同时体现了 BMW 摩托车的典型属性:经典设计、卓越工程与令人激动的机械相结合。

以 Big Boxer 发动机为中心,作为极大骑行乐趣的中心,富有表现力的油箱就像雕塑一样呈现,后部减少到基本要素,以强调摩托车的简洁线条和动力。

底盘已完全重新开发,并采用由铬钼钢管制成的黑色双环主框架作为主干。 BMW R20 概念车后部采用 17×6.25 英寸黑色盘式车轮,车轮上安装 200/55 尺寸的轮胎,前部采用 17 英寸黑色辐条车轮和 120/70 尺寸的轮胎,
将传统与现代融为一体。久经考验的 BMW Paralever 已采用全新的双臂变体,其中摇臂由铬钼钢制成,Paralever 支柱由铝制成。运动学设计使驱动扭矩完全平衡。两个铣削铝制后轴托架是另一个高品质细节。外露驱动轴在概念上沿用自 R18 – 著名 R 18 车型的视觉亮点 – 已被缩短以集成到敞篷跑车结构中。作为悬架元件,完全可调的 Öhlins Blackline 组件在前部和后部工作。基本车辆几何结构具有 62.5° 的转向头角度以及 1,550 毫米的轴距。径向安装制动器前部和后部的 ISR 制动钳负责减速 – 前部制动钳有六个活塞,后部制动钳每个有四个活塞。

作为一款 Big Boxer Roadster,BMW R20 概念车为摩托车世界树立了新的标准,并证实了 BMW 摩托车对最精良工程设计和对摩托车纯粹热情的承诺。


BMW R20 概念车的核心仍然是风冷式油冷 Big Boxer 发动机,现在排量为 2,000 cc。为了能够将油管部分隐藏起来,我们为这款概念车开发了新的气缸盖罩、新的皮带罩和新的油冷却器。

Big Boxer 声音。


20 世纪 70 年代流行的“比粉红色更热”的渐进式颜色。BMW R20 概念车的气缸盖罩、皮带罩和进气漏斗采用抛光和阳极氧化铝制成,Paralever 支柱、脚​​踏板系统和 ISR 制动卡钳采用青铜色,与颜色协调一致。

尾灯完美地融入了单座座椅,座椅采用绗缝黑色 Alcantara 和细粒面皮革装饰,紧凑的后部凸显了跑车的动感外观。现代 LED 大灯采用 3D 打印铝环形式,集成日间行车灯。主大灯似乎在视觉上漂浮在日间行车灯环的中间。

BMW R20 概念摩托车将“Big Boxer 文化”提升到了一个全新的高度。

BMW Motorrad 设计主管 Alexander Buckan 表示:“R20 概念车是对 BMW Motorrad DNA 的大胆诠释。



所示车辆可能经过改装,并安装第三方配件和/或非 BMW 制造、分销或测试的专有部件。BMW 对改装不承担任何责任(包括所示配件的安装、特性和使用)。注意:改装量产车辆(包括安装和使用第三方和自制部件)可能会影响驾驶特性!驾驶改装后的车辆风险自负。



宝马集团旗下拥有宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车四个品牌,是全球领先的豪华汽车和摩托车制造商,同时还提供高端金融和移动出行服务。宝马集团生产网络覆盖全球 30 多个生产基地,公司在全球 140 多个国家/地区拥有销售网络。

2023 年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过 255 万辆乘用车和超过 209,000 辆摩托车。2023 财年的税前利润为
171 亿欧元,营收为 1555 亿欧元。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,宝马集团拥有 154,950 名员工。


BMW Motorrad presents the BMW R20 concept.

A piece of art on two wheels presented at the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este.


München/Cernobbio. In front of the picturesque background of Villa d’Este at Lake Como, BMW Motorrad unveils its latest design masterpiece: the BMW R20 concept. This motorcycle celebrates the highest craftsmanship and presents itself as the epitome of expressive and cool design, refined down to the last detail.

As part of the renowned Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este, famous for its elegance and historical significance for extraordinary vehicles, BMW Motorrad showcases the legendary air-oil cooled Big Boxer engine as a central sculptural element.

Markus Flasch, Head of BMW Motorrad, describes the concept as follows:
“The BMW R20 concept is a mechanical masterpiece, with the Big Boxer in its center. Distinctly BMW Motorrad.”

Authentic, high class, cool

The BMW R20 concept is a motorcycle that impresses with a powerful appearance in a casual gentleman style, while fulfilling typical attributes of BMW Motorrad: classic design and excellent engineering combined with thrilling mechanics.

Centered around the Big Boxer engine as the epicenter of great riding pleasure, the expressive tank presents itself like a sculpture, the rear is reduced to the essentials to emphasize the clean lines and the power of the motorcycle.

The chassis has been completely redeveloped and, with a black double-loop main frame made of chrome-molybdenum steel tubes, forms the backbone. With the black disc wheel at 17×6.25 inches at the rear, on which a tire of the dimension 200/55 is mounted, and a 17″ spoke wheel with black spokes and the tire dimension 120/70 at the front, the
BMW R20 concept combines tradition and modernity. The proven BMW Paralever has been executed in a new two-arm variant, in which the swingarm is made of chrome-molybdenum steel and the Paralever strut is made of aluminum. The kinematics are designed so that the drive torque is completely balanced. The two milled aluminum rear axle carriers are another high-quality detail. The exposed driveshaft, conceptually adopted from the R18 – the visual highlight of the well-known R 18 models – has been shortened for integration into the roadster architecture. As suspension elements, fully adjustable Öhlins Blackline components work at the front and rear. The basic vehicle geometry has a steering head angle of 62.5°, as well as a wheelbase of 1,550 mm. Radially mounted brake calipers from ISR at the front and rear take care of the deceleration – with six pistons at the front and four pistons per brake caliper at the rear.
Additionally, the 2-in-2 exhaust system delivers the appropriate sound character and perfectly completes the design.

As a Big Boxer Roadster, the BMW R20 concept sets new standards in the world of motorcycles and confirms BMW Motorrad’s commitment to the finest engineering and the pure passion for motorcycling.

Living Big Boxer Culture

The centerpiece of the BMW R20 concept continues to be the air-oil-cooled Big Boxer engine, now with a displacement of 2,000 cc. For the concept bike, new cylinder head covers, a new belt cover and a new oil cooler were developed, in order to be able to mount the oil pipes partially hidden.

A special highlight is the side view: The eye follows the path of the air as it flows through the open intake funnels into the throttle bodies and cylinders, before escaping through the open exhaust system and the tailpipes in megaphone design, creating the typical
Big Boxer sound.

Bold in Style

The aluminum tank got a new design and presents itself in the progressive color
“hotter than pink” from the 1970´s. The BMW R20 concept is color-coordinated with the cylinder head covers, belt cover and air intake funnels made of polished and anodized aluminum, as well as the Paralever strut, footrest system and the ISR brake calipers in gunmetal.

The taillight has been perfectly integrated into the single seat, which is upholstered with quilted black Alcantara and fine-grain leather, and emphasizes the dynamic roadster appearance with its compact rear. The modern LED headlight is presented in form of a 3D-printed aluminum ring with integrated daytime running light. The main headlight appears to float optically in the middle of this daytime running light ring.

Each of these details contributes to the unique character of the concept bike and underscores its overall statement:
The BMW R20 concept takes the Big Boxer Culture to a new level.

“The R20 concept is a bold interpretation of the BMW Motorrad DNA,” says Alexander Buckan, Head of Design BMW Motorrad.
“It combines modern technical elements with a classic roadster design. Its oversized proportions and minimalistic aesthetic make it an unmistakable character.”



The vehicles shown may be modified and fitted with third-party accessories and/or proprietary parts that are not manufactured, distributed or tested by BMW. BMW accepts no liability for the modifications (including the fitting, characteristics and use of the accessories shown). NOTE: Modification of series production vehicles (including the fitting and use of third-party and self-made parts) can impair riding characteristics! Riding our vehicles in modified condition is at your own risk.


The BMW Group

With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was
€ 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company set the course for the future at an early stage and consistently makes sustainability and efficient resource management central to its strategic direction, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.


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