
BMW M 赛车运动新闻,2024 年 5 月 22 日

在我们的 BMW M 赛车新闻中,我们定期为您提供精选照片以及有关全球各种锦标赛的赛车活动和 BMW M 赛车团队成功的简洁而翔实的概述。


BMW M 赛车运动部客户赛车主管 Björn Lellmann:


“值得庆幸的是,我们的 BMW M Motorsport 车队的成功故事在世界各地继续上演。BMW M4 GT3 在米萨诺举行的 GT 世界挑战赛欧洲站上表现出色,并在美国站上领奖台。BMW M4 GT4 也是如此。它在米萨诺和奥斯汀都无与伦比。此外,很高兴看到 BMW M2 CS Racing 继续在 TC America 中树立标准。看到 BMW M Motorsport 的高水准在汽车游戏中也有所体现,这是一件非常特别的事情。BMW M Team Redline 在一个周末庆祝了两次极具声望的胜利。其中一次胜利当然是由现任一级方程式世界冠军驾驶虚拟 BMW M4 GT3 取得的,这是一件很棒的事情。祝贺过去几周的所有获胜者!”



GTWC 美国站(5 月 1719 日):ST Racing 在奥斯汀获得两项级别冠军。


ST Racing 在由 AWS 提供支持的 Fanatec GT 世界挑战赛美国站中继续创造令人印象深刻的成功纪录。在奥斯汀(美国)美洲赛道举行的两场比赛中,BMW M 厂队车手 Neil Verhagen(美国)和 Samantha Tan(加拿大)驾驶 38 号 BMW M4 GT3 赛车在两场比赛中均获得了 Pro-Am 组的胜利。他们分别获得第二名和第三名,并两次登上总领奖台。Verhagen 和在赛布林(美国)一样,在排位赛中再次获得杆位。BMW M 厂队车手 Robby Foley 和 Justin Rothberg(均来自美国)驾驶 Turner Motorsport BMW M4 GT3 赛车在 Pro-Am 组别中获得第二名。ST Racing 车队的二人组 Bill Auberlen 和 Varun Choksey(均来自美国)在两场比赛中均获得了 Pro 组的第三名。



GT/GT4/TC 美洲(5 月 17 日19):BMW M4 GT4 和 BMW M2 CS Racing 夺冠。


在 GT4 America 赛事中,美洲赛道耐力赛的冠军被 Random Vandals Racing 车队的 97 号 BMW M4 GT4 夺得。Kevin Boehm 和 Kenton Koch(均为美国人)在 74 圈后领先对手超过半分钟。在 Pro-Am 和 Am 组别中,BMW M4 GT4 也获得了胜利。James Walker Jr. 和 Tyler McQuarrie(均为美国人)代表 BimmerWorld 车队在 Pro-Am 组别中获胜。在 Am 组别中,Random Vandals Racing 车队的 Paul Sparta 和 Kris Wilson(均为美国人)以及 Carrus Callas Raceteam 车队的 Nicholas Shanny 和 Chris Walsh(均为美国人)甚至为 BMW M4 GT4 赢得了冠亚军。


在 TC America 中,Chris Walsh 再次树立了标杆。他在奥斯汀驾驶 Carrus Callas Raceteam BMW M2 CS Racing 赛车赢得了两场比赛。两场比赛的第二名均由 Team Rigid Speed 的 Lucas Catania(美国)获得。在第一场比赛中,Kaplan Racing Systems 的 Aaron Kaplan(美国)代表 BMW M2 CS Racing 包揽了前三名。


在 GT America 赛事中,贾斯汀·罗斯伯格驾驶 BMW M4 GT3 代表 Turner Motorsport 参赛,最终获得第五名和第四名,每次都与领奖台失之交臂。



GT4 欧洲系列赛(5 月 1719 日):莱森内斯和范德恩德在米萨诺获胜。


本杰明·莱森内斯 (Benjamin Lessennes) (比利时) 和里卡多·范德恩德 (Ricardo van der Ende) (荷兰) 在米萨诺 (ITA) 举行的 GT4 欧洲系列赛中庆祝了他们的第一个赛季胜利。在第二场比赛中,来自 Team L’Espace Bienvenue 的比利时-荷兰组合在银牌组经过一场惊心动魄的角逐后,驾驶 17 号宝马 M4 GT4 夺得冠军。Yağiz Gedik (土耳其) 和 Pedro Ebrahim Carvalho (巴西) 驾驶 11 号宝马 M4 GT4 获得第三名,从而在周日为宝马 M 赛车运动队赢得了双领奖台。前一天,在 Pro-Am 组中,有理由庆祝,格雷戈里·吉尔弗特 (Gregory Guilvert) 和安东尼·德·巴恩 (Antoni de Barn) (均为法国人) 驾驶 317 号宝马 M4 GT4 获得第三名,从而在周六为艾米利亚-罗马涅的 Chazel Technologie Course 车队赢得了该级别的领奖台。



ESL R1(5 月 1719 日):BMW M Team Redline 和 Bennett 赢得揭幕战。


2024 赛季也在 BMW M Motorsport 的虚拟赛道上加速进行。周五,第二届 ESL R1 锦标赛在 Daytona 国际赛道拉开帷幕。三支 BMW M 车队 BS+COMPETITION、MOUZ 和 Redline 将在“Rennsport”模拟平台上参加总共六场赛事,争夺总计 50 万美元的奖金。总决赛将于 8 月底在利雅得 (KSA) 举行的电子竞技世界杯上举行。赛季开始时,两名驾驶虚拟 BMW M4 GT3 的车手进入了十二强决赛。卢克·贝内特 (Luke Bennett) (英国) 夺冠,而他的 Team Redline 队友、去年的冠军塞巴斯蒂安·乔布 (Sebastian Job) (英国) 获得第五名。团体锦标赛第二轮将于下周五举行。



iRacing 24h Nürburgring(5 月 1719 日):BMW M Team Redline 以双重身份夺得 F1 冠军。


在过去五场比赛中,iRacing 24h Nürburgring 赛事的胜利第四次由官方 BMW M 车队夺得。24 小时后,这一次,BMW M Team Redline 的车手 Chris Lulham (英国)、Diogo Pinto (葡萄牙)、Max Verstappen (荷兰) 和 Florian Lebigre (法国) 在虚拟的“绿色地狱”中获胜。四人组驾驶得完美无瑕,并在早期从领先位置控制了比赛。原本 BMW M Team BS+COMPETITION 可以为 BMW M 车队赢得 1-2 名,但周日早上发生的“斑马”事故粉碎了所有登上领奖台的机会。奇怪的是,Verstappen 同时参加了在伊莫拉 (ITA) 举行的艾米利亚-罗马涅大奖赛,在那里他获得了杆位和比赛胜利。对于他和 BMW M Team Redline 来说,这是 2021 年以来在该赛事中的第二次总冠军。



ESET 杯系列赛(5 月 1719 日):在红牛赛道夺冠并登上领奖台。


ESET 杯系列赛在红牛赛道(奥地利)举行的第二个比赛周末以驾驶 Trevor Racing #500 BMW M4 GT3 的 Antal Zsigo (SVK) 获得 GT3 级别冠军以及额外登上领奖台而告终。Zsigo 在第二场冲刺赛中获得了总成绩第三名,这意味着他在该级别中排名第一。在第一场冲刺赛中,Zsigo 在 GT3 类中获得第二名。驾驶 BMW M6 GT3 参赛的 Gregor Zsigo (SVK) 在耐力赛中获得第二名,在第二场冲刺赛中获得第三名。在 GT4 级别中,Rudolf Beňo (SVK) 驾驶他的 Aries Racing BMW M4 GT4 在两场冲刺赛中均获得第二名。他在耐力赛中与队友 Richard Gonda (SVK) 一起取得了同样的成绩。



GT4 法国(5 月 1012 日):在 Lédenon 举行的第二季赛事。


在 GT4 France 在莱德农(法国)举行的第二场比赛周末,BMW M Motorsport 车队与领奖台失之交臂。在第一场比赛中,Carla Debard 和 Simon Gachet(均为法国人)驾驶 Debard Automobiles By Racetivity 的 BMW M4 GT4 获得第四名。在第二场比赛中,来自 VSF Sports – Amplitude 汽车公司的 Natan Bihel 和 Paul Lanchere(均为法国人)获得了同样的名次。该车队在 Am 级别中两次登上领奖台。Gregory Curson Faessel 和 Florian Teillais(均为法国人)驾驶 BMW M4 GT4 分别获得第二名和第三名。



BTCC(5 月 10至 12):科林·特金顿 (Colin Turkington) 获得压倒性双胜。


科林·特金顿(英国)和宝马车队在 2024 年英国房车锦标赛(BTCC)第二轮于布兰兹哈奇(英国)的短印地赛道上度过了一个近乎完美的周末。首先,特金顿驾驶 20 号宝马 330e M Sport 获得杆位,随后在前两场比赛中取得压倒性胜利。在第一轮比赛中,他领先其他车手近 7 秒,在第二轮比赛中,尽管有安全车,他的领先优势仍超过 3 秒。由于第三轮起跑顺序部分颠倒,特金顿不得不从第 11 位发车,最终排名第八。作为周末获得最多积分的车手,他在锦标赛积分榜上上升到第二位。


Turkington 的宝马车队队友 Adam Morgan(英国)在第二场比赛中名列第四,在另外两场比赛中均未进入前十名。来自 MB Motorsport 的 Laser Tools Racing 车队的 Jake Hill(英国)在第一场比赛中从第十二名强势回归至第四名。在第二场比赛中,他因多次被竞争对手撞击导致转向系统受损而退赛。因此,他不得不在第三场比赛中从后方发车,但仍然获得了第十二名。在车手积分榜上,Turkington 在本赛季十场比赛中的两场中排名第二,Hill 位列第四,Morgan 位列第十。在制造商积分榜上,宝马继续领先。

BMW M Motorsport News, 22nd May 2024.

In our BMW M Motorsport News, we regularly offer you a selection of photos as well as a compact and informative overview of the racing action in various championships worldwide and the successes of the BMW M Motorsport teams.


Björn Lellmann, Head of Customer Racing at BMW M Motorsport:


“The success stories of our BMW M Motorsport teams thankfully continue around the world. The BMW M4 GT3 had an impressive weekend in the GT World Challenge Europe at Misano and was also at the top of the podium in the USA. The same goes for the BMW M4 GT4. It was unbeatable at both Misano and in Austin. Additionally, it’s enjoyable to see the BMW M2 CS Racing continue to set the standard in TC America. It’s something quite special to see how high-class BMW M Motorsport is represented in Automotive Gaming as well. BMW M Team Redline celebrated two extremely prestigious victories in one weekend. The fact that the reigning Formula 1 World Champion was behind the wheel of the virtual BMW M4 GT3 for one of those wins is, of course, a great thing. Congratulations to all the winners of the past weeks!”



GTWC America (17th-19th May): ST Racing with two class victories in Austin.


The impressive success streak of ST Racing in the Fanatec GT World Challenge America powered by AWS continues. In the two races at the Circuit of the Americas in Austin (USA), BMW M works driver Neil Verhagen (USA) and Samantha Tan (CAN) celebrated the Pro-Am class victory in both races with the #38 BMW M4 GT3. Finishing second and third, they also made it onto the overall podium both times. Verhagen, as at Sebring (USA), had once again secured pole position in his qualifying session. BMW M works driver Robby Foley and Justin Rothberg (both USA) finished second in the Pro-Am category in their Turner Motorsport BMW M4 GT3 in the second race. Third place in the Pro class went to the ST Racing duo Bill Auberlen and Varun Choksey (both USA) in both runs.



GT/GT4/TC America (17th-19th May): Victories for the BMW M4 GT4 and the BMW M2 CS Racing.


In GT4 America, the victory in the Endurance race at the Circuit of the Americas went to the #97 BMW M4 GT4 from Random Vandals Racing. Kevin Boehm and Kenton Koch (both USA) had more than a half-minute lead over their competitors after 74 laps. In the Pro-Am and Am classes, victory also went to a BMW M4 GT4. James Walker Jr. and Tyler McQuarrie (both USA) triumphed for the BimmerWorld team in the Pro-Am category. In the Am class, Paul Sparta and Kris Wilson (both USA) from Random Vandals Racing and Nicholas Shanny and Chris Walsh (both USA) from Carrus Callas Raceteam even secured a one-two result for the BMW M4 GT4.


In TC America, Chris Walsh once again set the standard. He won both races in Austin in the Carrus Callas Raceteam BMW M2 CS Racing car. Second place in both runs went to Lucas Catania (USA) from Team Rigid Speed. In the first race, Aaron Kaplan (USA) from Kaplan Racing Systems completed the 1-2-3 for the BMW M2 CS Racing.


In GT America, Justin Rothberg competed for Turner Motorsport in the BMW M4 GT3. He finished in fifth and fourth place, narrowly missing the podium each time.



GT4 European Series (17th-19th May): Lessennes and van der Ende win at Misano.


Benjamin Lessennes (BEL) and Ricardo van der Ende (NED) celebrated their first season victory in the GT4 European Series at Misano (ITA). In the second race, the Belgian-Dutch duo from Team L’Espace Bienvenue triumphed in the #17 BMW M4 GT4 after a real thriller in the Silver Class. Third place went to Yağiz Gedik (TUR) and Pedro Ebrahim Carvalho (BRA) in the #11 BMW M4 GT4, completing the double podium for BMW M Motorsport on Sunday. The day before, there was reason to celebrate in the Pro-Am category when Gregory Guilvert and Antoni de Barn (both FRA) finished third in the #317 BMW M4 GT4, thus celebrating the class podium for Team Chazel Technologie Course in Emilia-Romagna on Saturday.



ESL R1 (17th-19th May): BMW M Team Redline and Bennett win the opener.


The 2024 season is also picking up speed on the virtual racetrack for BMW M Motorsport. On Friday, the second edition of the ESL R1 Championship started with its first event at the Daytona International Speedway. The three BMW M Teams BS+COMPETITION, MOUZ, and Redline are competing in a total of six events on the “Rennsport” simulation platform for prize money totaling 500,000 US dollars. The grand finale will take place at the Esports World Cup in Riyadh (KSA) at the end of August. At the start of the season, two drivers at the wheel of virtual BMW M4 GT3s made it to the final of the last twelve. The victory went to Luke Bennett (GBR) while his Team Redline team-mate and last year’s champion Sebastian Job (GBR) reached fifth place. The second round of the Team Championship will take place next Friday.



iRacing 24h Nürburgring (17th-19th May): Triumph for BMW M Team Redline with F1 champion in a double role.


For the fourth time in the last five races, victory at the iRacing 24h Nürburgring event went to an official BMW M Team. After 24 hours, this time BMW M Team Redline with drivers Chris Lulham (GBR), Diogo Pinto (POR), Max Verstappen (NED), and Florian Lebigre (FRA) triumphed at the virtual “Green Hell.” The quartet drove a flawless race and controlled the action from the lead early on. It looked like BMW M Team BS+COMPETITION could secure a 1-2 for BMW M Teams, but an accident for the “Zebras” early on Sunday morning dashed all podium chances. Curiously, Verstappen was competing simultaneously at the Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix at Imola (ITA), where he secured pole position and the race win. For him and BMW M Team Redline, it was the second overall victory at this event after 2021.



ESET Cup Series (17th-19th May): Victories and podium finishes at the Red Bull Ring.


The second race weekend of the ESET Cup Series at the Red Bull Ring (AUT) ended with a GT3 class victory for Antal Zsigo (SVK) in the Trevor Racing #500 BMW M4 GT3 and additional podium finishes. Zsigo finished third overall in the second sprint race, which meant first place in his class. In the first sprint race, Zsigo finished second in the GT3 category. For Gregor Zsigo (SVK), who competed in the BMW M6 GT3, second place in the Endurance and third in the second sprint race were recorded. In the GT4 class, Rudolf Beňo (SVK) finished second in both sprint races with his Aries Racing BMW M4 GT4. He achieved the same result alongside team-mate Richard Gonda (SVK) in the Endurance race.



GT4 France (10th-12th May): Second season event at Lédenon.


At the second race weekend of GT4 France at Lédenon (FRA), BMW M Motorsport teams narrowly missed the overall podium. In the first race, Carla Debard and Simon Gachet (both FRA) in the BMW M4 GT4 from Debard Automobiles By Racetivity finished fourth. The same position was achieved in the second race by Natan Bihel and Paul Lanchere (both FRA) from VSF Sports – Amplitude automobiles. Two podium finishes were celebrated for the team in the Am class. Gregory Curson Faessel and Florian Teillais (both FRA) finished second and third in their BMW M4 GT4s.



BTCC (10th-12th May): Dominant double victory for Colin Turkington.


Colin Turkington (GBR) and Team BMW experienced an almost perfect weekend at the second round of the British Touring Car Championship 2024 (BTCC) on the short Indy Circuit at Brands Hatch (GBR). First, Turkington secured pole position in the #20 BMW 330e M Sport, then followed up with dominant victories in the first two races. In the first run, he finished almost seven seconds ahead of the rest of the field, and in the second race, his lead was over three seconds despite a safety car period. Turkington had to start the third race from eleventh due to the partially reversed starting order and finished eighth. As the driver who collected the most points over the weekend, he moved up to second place in the championship standings.


Turkington’s Team BMW team-mate, Adam Morgan (GBR), finished fourth in the second race, and outside the top-10 in the other two. Jake Hill (GBR) from Team Laser Tools Racing with MB Motorsport managed a comeback from twelfth to fourth place in the first race. In the second race, he retired with damaged steering after several ramming incidents by competitors. He thus had to start from the back in the third race but still managed to finish twelfth. In the drivers’ standings, Turkington is second after two of ten race events of the season, Hill is fourth with Morgan tenth. In the manufacturers’ standings, BMW continues to lead.




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