
兰博基尼汽车公司与 Sonus faber 宣布首次合作

日期:2024 年 5 月 15 日 |圣阿加塔博洛涅塞/维琴察, 意大利


音频和汽车合作融合了一流的技术和设计,体现了意大利的奢华,并为兰博基尼 Revuelto 配备了独家的 Sonus faber 音频系统

意大利圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞/维琴察– 2024 年 5 月 15 日– 兰博基尼汽车公司和 Sonus faber 将合作在兰博基尼 Revuelto 中提供 Sonus faber 的汽车音响系统。可作为 Revuelto 的可选规格[ 1 ]自 2024 年 5 月起,双方合作将推出一款具有意大利艺术、高品质工艺和丰富卓越传统的车载系统。新款 Revuelto 将是第一款可定制 Sonus faber 独特汽车音响系统的兰博基尼汽车,该系统是 Sonus faber 研发和设计部门与兰博基尼 Centro Stile 共同努力的成果。

麦金托什集团汽车副总裁兼总经理 Fiore Cappelletto 表示:“与兰博基尼的合作对于 Sonus faber 来说是一个极为重要的里程碑,进一步将该品牌扩展到豪华汽车领域。”限制以及座椅后面令人难以置信的 V12 发动机的声音。感谢圣阿加塔和维琴察团队的共同努力,这段旅程非常精彩,我们希望将 Sonus faber 的热情传递给每一位 Revuelto 客户。事实上,我们设计和调音的系统充分体现了世界著名的 Sonus faber 的自然声音。我们很荣幸也感谢兰博基尼在这个项目上给予我们的信任。”

兰博基尼在道路上完美地在优雅与原始动力之间过渡,而 Sonus faber 的音响系统就是这种令人印象深刻的二元性的缩影。 Sonus faber 音频系统的动态特性和兰博基尼 Revuelto 形成了协同配对,能够以同样的技巧提供细致入微、柔和的旋律和精致的转折,以及雷鸣般的低音和原始力量。

兰博基尼汽车营销总监 Christian Mastro 表示:“兰博基尼 Revuelto 提供了超级跑车的巅峰情感,而 Sonus faber 音响系统的加入将其提升为无与伦比的体验。” “用于兰博基尼 Revuelto 的 Sonus faber 音频系统将技术、设计和性能以及意大利制造商标融为一体,体现了我们两个品牌的传统,并为我们的客户提供了独特调校的车内音频沉浸感。”


Lamborghini Revuelto 音响系统是声学工程和 Sonus faber 传统的巅峰之作,经过精心设计,可提供自然、清晰和细致的声音,让听众能够体验最纯粹的音频。该系统共有七个扬声器,以及专门为这款壮观的车辆开发的独特相位插头和天然纤维复合材料。每个元素的选择都是为了增强车内体验,并且经过精心设计,以提供 Sonus faber 独特的自然声音。


该系统引入了全新的全 D 类放大器,该放大器与功能强大的 DSP 相结合,可确保电信号和声学音调之间的平滑过渡。
该放大器用于为扬声器供电,最大功率为 750W。

将钕引擎战略性地放置在设备的中间,可减少整体尺寸并增强声音清晰度,利用相位塞的双重作用——Sonus faber 最近在标志性产品(如上一个 Homage 系列)中引入了一项最先进的技术。
此外,扬声器中心的圆锥形状进一步增强了输出声音,提供强大而自然的音频以及 100Hz 至 20.000Hz 的带宽。

两扇门均配备中低音扬声器和高音扬声器,形成类似于 Hi-Fi 家用扬声器的双向系统,完美再现音乐。
中低音扬声器负责中频,工作频率范围为 30Hz 至 15.000Hz。嵌入车门的中低音扬声器的独特之处在于其广泛的内部运动,使其能够实现长时间的振动并再现高保真声音。
高音扬声器可处理从 1.200Hz 到令人印象深刻的 30.000Hz 的高频,这对于人类感知来说是一个非常高的值。得益于其超轻的 NanoSilk 圆顶,高频保持非常精确,但绝不尖锐或尖锐。

在调音的最后阶段,Sonus faber 工匠融入了人性化的风格来完善系统的调音,聆听来自不同音乐流派的各种曲目,同时微调输出声音。

Sonus faber 是一家意大利手工扬声器和其他高端音频设备制造商,诞生于一个热爱音乐及其正确再现的人的想法,同时也源于一个对手工木制品具有特殊敏感性和真正崇敬之情的人为了美丽。 Sonus faber品牌通过声音和材料讲述故事。每一款 Sonus faber 产品,无论是过去、现在还是未来,都能将听众带入一个充满悠久传统、意大利文化和工艺的世界。我们的手工乐器秉承意大利专业技术,具有令人难忘的声音,让您沉浸在自然的声音体验中。欲了解详细信息,请访问

关于 麦金托什集团

McIntosh Group 是一家专注于高品质音频设备的控股公司,拥有以下品牌:McIntosh、Audio Research、Sonus faber 和 Sumiko。麦金托什集团还通过其分销公司 Sumiko 在北美分销优质音频品牌 Pro-Ject、Basso Continuo 和 Rotel Electronics。组成麦金托什集团的所有大公司的共同点是让录音产生现场音乐的所有兴奋感。先进的电子产品、前卫的技术、精致的设计和优质材料的选择,使麦金托什集团成为无与伦比的现实,成为全球高端领域最大的集团之一。欲了解详细信息,请访问

[1] Revuelto的消耗和排放值;综合油耗:10.3升/100公里(WLTP);综合功耗:78.1 kWh/100 Km (WLTP);二氧化碳排放量合计:276 克/公里 (WLTP)

Automobili Lamborghini and Sonus faber announce first collaboration

DATE: 15 May 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese/Vicenza, Italy


Merging best-in-class technology and design, the audio and automotive collaboration embodies Italian luxury and equips the Lamborghini Revuelto with an exclusive Sonus faber audio system

Sant’Agata Bolognese/Vicenza, Italy– 15 May 2024– Automobili Lamborghini and Sonus faber will collaborate to offer Sonus faber’s automotive audio system in the Lamborghini Revuelto. Available as an optional specification on the Revuelto[1] from May 2024, the collaboration delivers an in-car system featuring Italian artistry, high-quality craftsmanship and a rich tradition of excellence. The new Revuelto will be the first Lamborghini vehicle available to customize with Sonus faber’s inimitable automotive audio system, which was born out of the joint efforts of Sonus faber’s R&D and Design department and Lamborghini Centro Stile.

“The collaboration with Lamborghini is an extremely important milestone for Sonus faber, further expanding the brand into the luxury car segment” said Fiore Cappelletto, Vice President and General Manager Automotive at McIntosh Group “Working on the Revuelto has been exhilarating yet challenging given the cabin’s restrictions and the sound of their incredible V12 behind the seats. Thanks to the joint work between the teams in Sant ’Agata and Vicenza, the journey has been remarkable, and we hope to transfer our passion at Sonus faber to every Revuelto customer. In fact, the system we engineered and tuned fully embodies world-famous Sonus faber’s natural sound. We are honored and grateful for the trust that Lamborghini extended to us on this project.”

A Lamborghini seamlessly transitions between elegance and raw power on the road, and Sonus faber’s audio system is the epitome of this impressive duality. The dynamic nature of Sonus faber’s audio system and the Lamborghini Revuelto make for a synergistic pairing capable of delivering nuanced, gentle melodies and delicate turns, as well as thunderous bass and raw power, with equal finesse.

“The Lamborghini Revuelto offers the peak of the emotions of a super sports car and the inclusion of the Sonus faber audio system elevates this to an unparalleled experience,” said Christian Mastro, Marketing Director of Automobili Lamborghini. “The Sonus faber audio system for the Lamborghini Revuelto combines technology, design and performance as well as the Made in Italy trademark, reflecting the heritage of both our brands and delivering our clients with a uniquely tuned in-car audio immersion.”


The Lamborghini Revuelto sound system is a culmination of acoustical engineering and Sonus faber heritage, meticulously crafted to deliver natural, clear and detailed sound and give the listener the ability to experience audio in its purest form. The system features seven speakers in total, as well as an exclusive phase plug and natural fiber composite material developed specifically for this spectacular vehicle. Each element was chosen to enhance the in-car experience and was meticulously crafted to deliver Sonus faber’s unique natural sound.


The system introduces a new Full Class D amplifier, which, in combination with a very powerful DSP, ensures smooth transitions between electrical signals and acoustical tones.
The amplifier is designed to power the speakers, with maximum potential of 750W.
Center Channel / Surround

The center channel speaker is designed to provide a distinctive sound experience directly in front of the pilot and co-pilot, helping recreate the masterful symmetry of the listening experience and minimize space utilization by featuring an ultra-thin unit with a reversed structure.
Placing the neodymium engine strategically in the middle of the unit reduces overall dimensions and enhances sound clarity, leveraging the dual role as a phase plug—a state-of-the-art technology recently introduced by Sonus faber in iconic products like the last Homage collection.
Additionally, the conical shape at the center of the speaker further enhances the output sound, delivering powerful yet natural audio and a bandwidth ranging from 100Hz to 20.000Hz.
For surround channels, integrated two full range speakers are positioned right behind the pilot and co-pilot. The surround feature is designed to enrich the sound experience by deepening its depth, enveloping occupants within an authentic acoustic environment.
Doors: MidWoofer& Tweeter (Two-Way System)

Both doors are equipped with a midwoofer and a tweeter, forming a two-way system similar to a Hi-Fi home speaker, to perfect musical reproduction.
The midwoofer, responsible for medium frequencies, operates in the range from 30Hz to 15.000Hz. The exceptional feature of the midwoofer embedded in the doors lies in its extensive internal movement, which allows it to achieve prolonged vibration and reproduce high-fidelity sound.
The center of the speaker deviates from the standard design by incorporating a conical-shaped dust cap, contributing to the delivery of more defined sound.
The tweeter handles high frequencies spanning from 1.200Hz to an impressive 30.000Hz—a remarkably high value for human perception. Thanks to its ultra-lightweight NanoSilk dome, high frequencies remain very precise, but never edgy or sharp.

In the final stages of tuning, Sonus faber artisans incorporate the human touch to perfect the system’s tunings, listening to a large variety of tracks from different music genres, while fine-tuning the output sound.

Sonus faber is an Italian manufacturer of handcrafted speakers, and other high-end audio equipment, born from the idea of a man who loved music and its correct reproduction, but also from a person with a special sensibility about handcrafted wood products and a true reverence for beauty. Sonus faber brand tells a story by means of sound and materials. Each Sonus faber product, be it past, present or future, is able to take the listener into a world of long-lasting tradition, Italian culture and craftsmanship. Our handmade musical instruments are true to Italian expertise, with an unforgettable voice that immerses you in a natural sound experience. For detailed info, please visit:


McIntosh Group is a holding company that specializes in high quality audio equipment and owns the brands: McIntosh, Audio Research, Sonus faber and Sumiko. Through its distribution company Sumiko, McIntosh Group also distributes in North America the premium audio brands Pro-Ject, Basso Continuo and Rotel Electronics. The common denominator of all the big companies that make up McIntosh Group is the aim of making recordings generate all the excitement of live music. Sophisticated electronics, avant-garde technology, refined design and selection of top-quality materials are the ingredients that make McIntosh Group a reality that knows no equal, one of the largest groups in the Hi-End sector globally. For detailed info, please visit:

[1] Consumption and emission values of Revuelto; Fuel consumption combined: 10,3 l/100km (WLTP); Power consumption combined: 78,1 kWh/100 Km (WLTP); CO2-emissions combined: 276 g/km (WLTP)


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