
第 35 届 BMW 国际公开赛:希门尼斯、西姆、威利特、福克斯、比约恩等众多顶尖球员开球

+++ 深受观众喜爱的 Miguel Ángel Jiménez(西班牙)自 2013 年以来首次重返慕尼黑 +++ Marcel Siem(德国)期待着他的主场比赛,Bernhard Langer(德国) +++ 前冠军 Thomas Bjørn(丹麦)和 Danny Willett(英国)、卫冕冠军 Thriston Lawrence(南非)和 Thomas Pieters(比利时)都将在周年纪念锦标赛上开球 +++ BMW i5 Touring 是 2024 年的一杆进洞赛车 +++


+++ 深受观众喜爱的 Miguel Ángel Jiménez(西班牙)自 2013 年以来首次重返慕尼黑 +++ Marcel Siem(德国)期待着他的主场比赛,Bernhard Langer(德国) +++ 前冠军 Thomas Bjørn(丹麦)和 Danny Willett(英国)、卫冕冠军 Thriston Lawrence(南非)和 Thomas Pieters(比利时)都将在周年纪念锦标赛上开球 +++ BMW i5 Touring 是 2024 年的一杆进洞赛车 +++

慕尼黑。高尔夫球迷们可以期待宝马国际公开赛(7 月 3 日7 日慕尼黑埃肯里德高尔夫俱乐部)的精彩、顶级阵容。今年是这项标志性德国锦标赛的第 35,也是伯恩哈德·兰格告别 DP 世界巡回赛的一年。为了纪念这一时刻,这位杰出德国高尔夫球手的更多长期同事已确认他们将参加这项享有盛誉的赛事,同时还有一些很久没有出现在慕尼黑球道上的有趣的顶级球员。

无论他在哪里开球——近年来,DP 世界巡回赛上他很少出现在那里——他都能让球迷们欣喜若狂。米格尔·安赫尔·希门尼斯 (Miguel Ángel Jiménez) 是一个真正的独创者,他最喜欢的就是娱乐大众。这位 60 岁的西班牙人在娱乐者的角色中表现出色,这在很大程度上要归功于他是一名顶级球员。希门尼斯在 DP 世界巡回赛上参加了 721 场比赛,赢得了 21 场。其中三次胜利创造了一项纪录:2004 年,他在赢得已不再举办的 BMW 亚洲公开赛几个月后,又赢得了 BMW 国际公开赛。2008 年,他赢得了 BMW PGA 锦标赛,从而三次在不同的 BMW 锦标赛中夺冠——这一成就至今无人能及。

“虽然我最近主要关注的是美国 PGA 巡回赛冠军赛,但我仍然喜欢参加 DP 世界巡回赛的几场比赛,而宝马国际公开赛绝对是其中之一,”希门尼斯说。“宝马锦标赛一直都是精彩的赛事,我对慕尼黑、球迷、氛围以及 2004 年夺冠都有很多美好的回忆。这对我来说是一个美妙的时刻,这将使我在 2024 年的回归更加特别。当然,我期待着在锦标赛上与伯恩哈德见面。我们在巡回赛上一起度过了很长一段时间,分享了许多难忘的时刻,尤其是在莱德杯上。”

宝马国际公开赛对马塞尔·西姆来说就像是家乡赛事。他的父母早年在俱乐部经营餐饮业,尽管他出生在莱茵兰地区,但他也是在那里长大的。去年,这位 43 岁的球员不仅参加了DP 世界巡回赛的500 场 比赛,还宣布重返欧洲高尔夫顶级赛事。


宝马国际公开赛对托马斯·比约恩来说也是一场特殊的比赛。这位丹麦选手曾两次在慕尼黑夺冠(2000 年、2002 年),与保罗·阿辛格(美国,1990 年、1992 年)、帕布罗·拉扎巴尔(西班牙,1991 年、1995 年)和亨利克·斯滕森(瑞典,2006 年、2016 年)并列创纪录冠军。这位 53 岁球员的名字与莱德杯有着内在联系,因为比约恩曾九次入选欧洲队(三次作为球员,一次担任队长,五次担任副队长),并与伯恩哈德·兰格一起取得了许多成功。

球迷们可以期待另一位前冠军,他在 2012 年宝马国际公开赛上真正声名鹊起,当时他在慕尼黑的胜利是丹尼·威利特在 DP 世界巡回赛上的首场胜利。四年后,这位英国人在大师赛上夺冠,跻身高尔夫精英行列。2019 年,他在家乡赛事宝马 PGA 锦标赛上取得了激动人心的胜利,完成了宝马双冠王的壮举。

去年在温特沃斯俱乐部,瑞恩·福克斯(新西兰)庆祝了迄今为止职业生涯中最重要的胜利。他是第一位在萨里赢得宝马 PGA 锦标赛的新西兰人。现在,这位 37 岁的球员已经在 DP 世界巡回赛上赢得了四场锦标赛冠军,重返宝马国际公开赛,他在 2022 年的比赛中表现出色,获得了第三名。“我很高兴能回到慕尼黑参加宝马国际公开赛,”福克斯说。“我没能参加去年的比赛,但我对 2021 年和 2022 年的比赛有着美好的回忆和不错的成绩。宝马团队举办的比赛总是一流的,我期待着 2024 年的宝马国际公开赛。”

去年,特里斯顿·劳伦斯追随他的榜样和支持者厄尼·埃尔斯的脚步,成为第二位赢得宝马国际公开赛的南非人。今年 7 月,他重返慕尼黑捍卫自己的冠军头衔。比利时大将托马斯·皮特斯将力争比两年前在宝马国际公开赛上取得更好的成绩,当时他在附加赛中输给了中国的李昊桐。

尼克·巴赫姆 (Nick Bachem)、亚历克斯·塞卡 (Alex Cejka)、马丁·凯梅尔 (Martin Kaymer)(BMW 国际公开赛的唯一德国冠军)、马克斯·基弗 (Max Kieffer)、赫尔利·朗 (Hurly Long)、杰里米 (Jeremy) 和亚尼克·保罗 (Yannik Paul)、马蒂·施密德 (Matti Schmid)、马塞尔·施奈德 (Marcel Schneider) 和弗雷迪·肖特 (Freddy Schott)(均为德国人)已确认将参加这项 35周年 纪念锦标赛。

除了冠军头衔,他们还有机会赢得一辆梦幻般的宝马。第一个在第 17 洞打出一杆进洞的职业选手不仅会让球迷兴奋不已,也会让他自己兴奋不已,因为他的梦幻一杆进洞的奖励是一辆全电动宝马 i5 Touring,由宝马集团位于巴伐利亚州丁戈尔芬的工厂生产。



BMW i5 M60 xDrive Touring*:
WLTP 循环中的综合功耗:20.8 – 18.3 kWh/100 km
WLTP 循环中的电动续航里程:445 – 506 km

* 所有消耗和排放值均为临时值。

35th BMW International Open: Jiménez, Siem, Willett, Fox, Bjørn and more top players tee off.

+++ Crowd favourite Miguel Ángel Jiménez (ESP) back in Munich for the first time since 2013 +++ Marcel Siem (GER) looking forward to his home tournament and Bernhard Langer (GER) +++ Former winners Thomas Bjørn (DEN) and Danny Willett (ENG), defending champion Thriston Lawrence (RSA), and Thomas Pieters (BEL) all tee off at the anniversary tournament +++ BMW i5 Touring is the 2024 Hole-in-One car +++


+++ Crowd favourite Miguel Ángel Jiménez (ESP) back in Munich for the first time since 2013 +++ Marcel Siem (GER) looking forward to his home tournament and Bernhard Langer (GER) +++ Former winners Thomas Bjørn (DEN) and Danny Willett (ENG), defending champion Thriston Lawrence (RSA), and Thomas Pieters (BEL) all tee off at the anniversary tournament +++ BMW i5 Touring is the 2024 Hole-in-One car +++

Munich. Golf fans can look forward to a fascinating, top-class field at the BMW International Open (3rd to 7th July, Golfclub München Eichenried). This year represents the 35th staging of the iconic German tournament and also sees Bernhard Langer bid farewell to the DP World Tour. To mark the occasion, more long-standing colleagues of the exceptional German golfer have confirmed that they will be teeing off at the prestigious event, along with some interesting top players who have not been seen on the fairways in Munich for a long time.

No matter where he tees off – and that has rarely been on the DP World Tour in recent years – he delights the fans. Miguel Ángel Jiménez is a true original, who loves nothing more than to entertain the public. The 60-year-old Spaniard thrives in his role as entertainer, thanks in no small part to the fact that he is a top-class player. Jiménez has played 721 tournaments on the DP World Tour, of which he won 21. Three of those victories amounted to a record when back in 2004 he won the BMW International Open just a few months after triumphing at the no-longer played BMW Asian Open. Victory at the BMW PGA Championship in 2008 made it three titles at different BMW tournaments – an achievement yet to be matched by any other golfer.

“While my main focus lies these days on the PGA TOUR Champions in the USA, I still enjoy playing a few tournaments on the DP World Tour and the BMW International Open is definitely one of them,” said Jiménez. “BMW tournaments have always been fantastic events and I have many fond memories of Munich, the fans, the atmosphere and of course winning the tournament in 2004. This was a fantastic moment for me and will make my return in 2024 even more special. And of course, I am looking forward to catching up with Bernhard at the tournament.  We have spent a long time on Tour together and share many unforgettable moments, especially in the Ryder Cup.”

The BMW International Open is something of a home event for Marcel Siem. His parents ran the catering at the club in the early years, and, despite being born in the Rhineland region, is where he grew up. Last year, the 43-year-old not only played his 500th tournament on the DP World Tour, but emphatically announced his return to the top echelons of European golf.

“I am very much looking forward to the BMW International Open at Golfclub München Eichenried. It is no secret that this tournament is always rather special for me. Furthermore, I really don’t want to miss Bernhard’s farewell. He is a true role model and has done a huge amount for golf and me personally. It is certainly going to be a magnificent tournament week.”

The BMW International Open is also a special tournament for Thomas Bjørn. The Dane has won twice in Munich (2000, 2002), making him the joint record winner alongside Paul Azinger (USA, 1990, 1992), Pablo Larrazábal (ESP, 1991, 1995) and Henrik Stenson (SWE, 2006, 2016). The 53-year-old’s name is intrinsically linked to the Ryder Cup as Bjørn has been part of Team Europe on nine occasions (three as a player, once as captain and five times as vice-captain), and has enjoyed a lot of success together with Bernhard Langer.

Fans can look forward to another former winner, who really rose to prominence at the 2012 BMW International Open when his victory in Munich was Danny Willett’s first on the DP World Tour. Four years later, the Englishman joined the golfing elite when he triumphed at the Masters. In 2019, he completed the BMW double with an emotional victory at his home tournament, the BMW PGA Championship.

Last year at the Wentworth Club, Ryan Fox (NZL) celebrated the most significant triumph of his career to date. He was the first New Zealander to win the BMW PGA Championship in Surrey. Now, the 37-year-old, with four tournament victories on the DP World Tour, returns to the BMW International Open, where he impressed by finishing third in 2022. “I’m delighted to be back playing in Munich for the BMW International Open,” said Fox. “I wasn’t able to play in last year’s event but I have fond memories and good finishes in 2021 and 2022. The events that the team at BMW put on are always first class and I am looking forward to the 2024 edition of the BMW International Open.”

Thriston Lawrence, who last year followed in the footsteps of his role model and supporter Ernie Els in becoming the second South African to win the BMW International Open, returns to Munich to defend his title in July. Big-hitting Belgian Thomas Pieters will be striving to go one better than two years ago at the BMW International Open, when he lost out to China’s Haotong Li in a play-off.

Nick Bachem, Alex Cejka, Martin Kaymer – the only German winner of the BMW International Open, Max Kieffer, Hurly Long, Jeremy and Yannik Paul, Matti Schmid, Marcel Schneider and Freddy Schott (all GER) have already confirmed that they will be playing at the 35th anniversary tournament.

As well as the title, they all also have the opportunity to win a fantastic BMW. The first pro to hit an ace on the 17th hole will not only electrify the fans, but also himself as the reward for the dream shot is the all-electric BMW i5 Touring, made at the BMW Group’s plant in Dingolfing, Bavaria.




BMW i5 M60 xDrive Touring*:
Power consumption combined in WLTP cycle: 20.8 – 18.3 kWh/100 km
Electric range in WLTP cycle: 445 – 506 km

* All consumption and emission values are provisional.


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