
1974 – 2024 年:第一辆兰博基尼 Countach 投产 50 周年

日期: 2024 年 9 月 3 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞

兰博基尼生产革命性传奇 V12 的故事

圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞,2024 年 9 月 3日- 1974 年 3 月,兰博基尼圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞工厂开始量产 Countach;这款车型成为传奇,并在市场上销售了整整 16 年。Countach 是第一款车身“内部”制造、手工钣金的兰博基尼,也是第一款内饰由兰博基尼装潢部门生产的兰博基尼,这是一场真正的革命,50 年后,它已成为圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞的传统。值此周年纪念之际,兰博基尼将第一款 Countach LP 400 带回了它的生产线上,如今兰博基尼 Revuelto 也在这里生产,以进行过去和现在的照片拍摄。此外,兰博基尼还从其档案中提供了一些 Countach 系列的独家图片。

“我们很自豪仍然在 Countach 诞生地生产我们的超级跑车,”兰博基尼首席制造官 Ranieri Niccoli 表示。“从那时起,生产方式发生了根本性的变化,从 Countach 的生产到今天的车型,许多方面都发生了显著的变化。今天我们的生产方式与 1974 年大不相同,但它保留了最好的方面,并将我们操作员的手工技能和最先进的技术结合在一起,从而产生了所谓的 Manifattura Lamborghini Next Level。Countach 的生产和我们今天的汽车的共同点是对细节的关注。”

Countach 的演变

1971 年 3 月 11 日,兰博基尼 Countach LP 500 作为一款概念车在日内瓦车展上亮相,它的迅速成功让兰博基尼轻松做出了将其量产的决定。经过数辆原型车、三年的技术开发和密集的道路测试,量产车型 Countach LP 400 终于准备就绪。在开发这款汽车的同时,圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞工厂也在筹备生产 Countach 的生产线。这是 Countach 革命性的另一种方式:在兰博基尼历史上,这是第一次在工厂内生产车身。在此之前,兰博基尼汽车是在两个不同的地方生产的,机械部件由兰博基尼生产,车身由外部车身制造商制造,然后运往圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞组装车架和机械部件。决定在兰博基尼工厂内部生产车身对公司的发展产生了直接而重大的影响。


兰博基尼原工厂占地 12,000 平方米,于 1963 年开始建设,1966 年竣工,与此同时,变速箱和差速器也开始自主生产。工厂包括生产区、办公室、测试室和服务车间。生产包括两条生产线:一条用于生产发动机和机械部件,另一条用于汽车组装。1968 年 10 月 18 日,兰博基尼宣布即将完成三座新工业建筑的建设,新增 3,500 平方米的建筑面积。如今,工厂已大不相同,占地面积为 346,000 平方米,但是组装 Countach 的区域,即所谓的 Countach 一号装配线,仍然保留了下来,现在这里生产兰博基尼新款 12 缸插电式混合动力汽车 Revuelto。在 Countach 生产期间,装配线简单且规模小,所有操作均由手动完成。车身面板在木制模板上敲打并检查,然后焊接在一起并在车身模具上进行调整。这道最后的工序是必不可少的,因为每个部件都是手工制作和组装的,看起来都一样,但实际上每个部件都略有不同。完整的车身,仍然是铝制的,然后与框架组合在一起。这个单元放在一个在轨道上行驶的工业手推车上,在不同的装配站之间移动,不同的机械部件在那里安装。Countach 也是第一款涉及兰博基尼内饰部门的车型,该部门最初只是与外部供应商合作安装和组装内饰。它最终变得完全自主,包括皮革内饰和缝线,成为兰博基尼至今仍通过 Ad Personam 计划向客户提供的个性化服务的重要组成部分。如今,生产线已经发生了变化,使用的机器和材料也发生了变化,并且更加有组织、高效和符合人体工程学。 20 世纪 70 年代,工厂使用铝材,而现在则使用碳纤维,圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞工厂也生产碳纤维。不变的是操作员生产新车时的热情和细心。

Countach 和 Revuelto 之间的连续性

Countach 和 Revuelto 相隔半个世纪,其间产量也发生了变化:Countach 生产 16 年来共生产了 1999 辆;Diablo 生产 11 年来共生产了 2903 辆;Murciélago 生产 9 年来共生产了 4000 辆;Aventador 生产 11 年来共生产了 11000 辆以上。尽管存在这些差异,但生产地点相同,Countach 和 Revuelto 之间有许多共同特征。首先,总体技术设置相同,均为纵向放置的 12 缸后置发动机。然而,Revuelto 还配备了电池组,因此变速箱移到了 V12 发动机的后部。驾驶设置相同,“剪刀”门也相同,“剪刀”门最早出现在 Countach 上,后来成为兰博基尼 V12 轿车的显著特征。此外,在风格特征上,从 Countach 到 Diablo,再到 Murciélago 和 Aventador,都表现出非凡的连续性,从前挡泥板到驾驶舱顶部,到后扰流板的微妙视觉线实际上被称为“Countach 线”。

所有 Countach 车型

Countach 的首款车型是 LP 400(1974-1978 年),共生产了 152 辆,其挡泥板没有加长,车顶中央有凹槽,用于放置后视镜,因此获得了“Periscopio”的绰号。LP 400 S(1978-1982 年)共生产了 235 辆,直接源自加拿大爱好者 Walter Wolf 委托兰博基尼制造的特殊 LP 400。LP 400 S 的特点是采用了倍耐力低调轮胎、轮拱加长件、“电话拨号”轮毂和位于前部下方的空气动力学附件。这种配置在后来的版本中得到了改进和更好的集成,但却成为了接下来十年 Countach 的特色。 5000 S(1982-1984 年)生产了 323 辆,外观几乎没有什么变化,搭载排量增加到 4.8 升的 V12 发动机。随后推出的 Countach Quattrovalvole(1985-1988 年)生产了 631 辆,其视觉特征是引擎盖上的“驼峰”,这是容纳 5.2 升发动机所必需的,该发动机每个气缸都配备了 4 气门正时系统。Countach 25 周年纪念版(1988-1990 年)生产了 658 辆,是为了庆祝公司成立 25 周年而打造的,对 Countach 的空气动力学附件进行了全面改造。后挡泥板上的进气口和一些面板(例如引擎盖上的面板)也进行了更改,并首次采用碳纤维制成。值得注意的是,Countach 的商业成功一直在上升,而得益于 Countach 在美国市场销售所获得的型式批准,最后两个版本的产量最大。

在其上市的这些年里,Countach 不仅出现在了整整一代人的墙上和数十部电影中,还使兰博基尼在 20 世纪 70 年代中期一直保持着竞争力,并最终成为了一个传奇。

兰博基尼 Countach LP 400 数据表

发动机:60° V12,铝制
排量:3929 cc
功率:375 CV @ 8000 rpm
分配:带链条控制的双顶置凸轮轴。每缸 2 阀。
燃油系统:6 个 Weber 45 DCOE 双化油器
5 速兰博基尼手动变速箱 + R
轮距(毫米):前轮 1500;后轮 1520
轮胎:Michelin XWX 前轮 205×14,后轮 215×14
整备质量(千克):1065 千克

兰博基尼 Countach LP 400 S 数据表

发动机:60° V12,铝制
排量:3929 cc
功率:353 CV @ 7500 rpm
分配:带链条控制的双顶置凸轮轴。每缸 2 阀。
燃油系统:6 个 Weber 45 DCOE 双化油器
5 速兰博基尼手动变速箱 + R
轮距(毫米):前轮 1492;后轮 1606
轮胎:倍耐力 P7,前轮 205/70-15,后轮 345/35-15
整备质量(千克):1200 千克

兰博基尼 Countach LP 5000 S 数据表

发动机:60° V12,铝制
排量:4754 cc
功率:375 CV @ 7000 rpm
分配:带链条控制的双顶置凸轮轴。每缸 2 阀。
燃油系统:6 个 Weber 45 DCOE 双化油器
5 速兰博基尼手动变速箱 + R
轮距(毫米):前轮 1492;后轮 1606
轮胎:倍耐力 P7,前轮 205/50-15,后轮 345/35-15
整备质量(千克):1490 千克

兰博基尼 Countach Quattrovalvole 数据表

发动机:60° V12,铝制
排量:5​​167 cc
功率:455 CV @ 7000 rpm
分配:带链条控制的双顶置凸轮轴。每缸 4 阀。
燃油系统:6 个 Weber 44 DCNF 双化油器
5 速兰博基尼手动变速箱 + R
离合器:干式,单片 底盘:
轮距(毫米):前轮 1536;后轮 1606
轮胎:倍耐力 P7 F,前轮 225/50-VR15,后轮 345/35-VR15
整备质量(千克):1490 千克

兰博基尼 Countach 25 周年纪念数据表

发动机:60° V12,铝制
排量:5​​167 cc
功率:455 CV @ 7000 rpm
分配:带链条控制的双顶置凸轮轴。每缸 4 阀。
燃油系统:6 个 Weber 44 DCNF 双化油器
5 速兰博基尼手动变速箱 + R
:通风盘后轮 1606轮胎:前轮 225/50-ZR15,后轮 345-35/ZR15整备质量(kg):1490 kg

1974 – 2024: 50 years since production of the first Lamborghini Countach

 DATE: 03 Sep 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese

The story of the legendary V12 that revolutionized Lamborghini production

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 3rd September 2024 – It was in March of 1974 when mass production of the Countach started at the Lamborghini factory in Sant’Agata Bolognese; a model that entered into legend and remained on the market for a full 16 years. The Countach was the first Lamborghini whose bodywork was made “in-house” with panel-beating carried out by hand, and the first whose interiors were produced by the Lamborghini Upholstery Department, a real revolution which, 50 years on, has become a tradition at Sant’Agata Bolognese. On the occasion of this anniversary, Lamborghini has brought back the very first Countach LP 400 to the production line on which it was created, and where today the Lamborghini Revuelto is produced, for a past and present photo shoot. Furthermore, Lamborghini has made some exclusive images of the Countach line available from its archives.

“We are proud to still be producing our super sports car models in the place where the Countach was created,” commented Ranieri Niccoli, Lamborghini’s Chief Manufacturing Officer. “Production has radically changed since then and there was a marked transformation of many aspects starting with the production of the Countach right through to today’s models. Today our production is very different from 1974, but it retains the best aspects and brings together the manual skills of our operators and the best available technologies, giving rise to the so-called Manifattura Lamborghini Next Level. The common denominator between the production of the Countach and our cars today is attention to detail.”

Evolution of the Countach

The Lamborghini Countach LP 500 was presented at the Geneva Motor Show on 11 March 1971, as an idea car, and its immediate success made the decision to make it a production car an easy one. It took several prototype cars and three years of technical development and intense road testing to get the production model, the Countach LP 400, ready. While the car was being developed, work was going on at Sant’Agata Bolognese to create the production line where the Countach would be produced. This was another way in which the Countach was revolutionary: for the first time in Lamborghini’s history, the bodywork would be made in-house. Up to that point, Lamborghini cars had been made in two different places, with the mechanical parts produced by Lamborghini, and the bodywork built by external coachbuilders and then sent to Sant’Agata Bolognese to be put together with the frame and mechanical parts. The decision to bring the production of the bodywork in-house at the Lamborghini factory had an immediate and significant impact on the growth of the company.

No.1 Countach Assembly Line

The original Lamborghini factory comprised a 12,000 m2 covered area, with construction starting in 1963 and finishing in 1966, the same time as the gearbox and differential also started to be produced in-house. The factory included the production area, offices, testing rooms and service workshop. Production included two production lines: one for the engines and mechanical parts and the other for car assembly. On 18 October 1968, Lamborghini announced the forthcoming completion of the construction of three new industrial buildings, adding 3,500 m2 of covered area. Today the factory is quite different, covering an area of 346,000 m2, but the area where the Countach was assembled, known as the No.1 Countach Assembly Line, remains the same, and is now where the Revuelto, the new Lamborghini 12-cylinder plug-in hybrid car, is produced. During the Countach years, the assembly line was simple and small scale, with all the operations carried out manually. The bodywork panels were beaten and then checked on a wooden template before being welded together and adjusted on the car body mold. This final processing was essential, given that each part, having been produced and assembled by hand, appeared identical to the others but in reality each was slightly different. The complete body, still in raw aluminum, was then combined with the frame. This unit, sitting on an industrial trolley that ran on rails, traveled between the various assembly stations where the different mechanical parts were fitted. The Countach was also the first to involve the Lamborghini Upholstery Department, which in the beginning was only for the fitting and assembly of the interiors in partnership with external suppliers. It eventually became completely autonomous, including in terms of leather upholstery and stitching, becoming an essential part of the personalization still offered today by Lamborghini to its clients through the Ad Personam program. Today, the production line has changed, as has the machinery and materials used and is much more organized, efficient and ergonomic. While in the 1970s aluminum was used, now there is carbon fiber, which is also produced at the Sant’Agata Bolognese site. What hasn’t changed is the passion and care with which the operators produce the new cars.

Continuity between the Countach and Revuelto

Half a century separates the Countach and Revuelto, and during this time the volumes have also changed: in the 16 years of production of the Countach, 1999 units were produced; the 11 years of production of the Diablo generated 2903 units; the nine years of the Murciélago produced 4000 cars; and the 11 years of the Aventador over 11,000. Despite these differences, united by the production site, there are many common features between the Countach and Revuelto. First of all, the general technical set-up is the same, with a 12-cylinder rear engine in the longitudinal position. However, on the Revuelto there is also the battery pack, which led to the shifting of the gearbox to the rear of the V12 engine. The driving set-up is the same, as are the “Scissor” doors, which were first seen on the Countach before becoming a distinctive feature of Lamborghini V12 cars. What’s more, in the stylistic features, which showed extraordinary continuity from the Countach to the Diablo, then to the Murciélago and Aventador, the subtle visual line that runs between the front fender and the cockpit roof, ending with the rear spoiler, is in fact known as the “Countach line”.

All the Countach models

The first version of the Countach, with 152 units produced, was the LP 400 (1974-1978), featuring fenders without extensions and the roof with central recess designed for the rearview mirror, which earned it the nickname “Periscopio”. The LP 400 S (1978-1982), with 235 units, was derived directly from the special LP 400 that the Canadian enthusiast Walter Wolf commissioned at Lamborghini. The LP 400 S was characterized by the adoption of Pirelli low-profile tires, wheel arch extensions, “phone dial” wheels and the aerodynamic appendage positioned below the front part. This configuration, albeit improved and better integrated in later versions, became the distinctive feature of the Countach for the following decade. The 5000 S (1982-1984), produced in 323 units and with few changes in terms of aesthetics, featured a V12 with increased displacement of 4.8 liters. The Countach Quattrovalvole that followed (1985-1988), with 631 units, was visually characterized by the “hump” on the hood, necessary to contain the 5.2-liter engine, equipped with a 4-valve timing system for each cylinder. The Countach 25th Anniversary (1988-1990), with 658 units, was created to celebrate 25 years since the foundation of the company, and involved a total overhaul of the Countach’s aerodynamic appendages. The air intakes on the rear fenders and some panels, such as those on the hoods, also changed, and were made of carbon fiber for the first time. It is worth noting how the commercial success of the Countach was always on the rise and how it was the last two versions that were produced in the greatest numbers, benefiting from the type-approval obtained for sale of the Countach on the American market.

During the years it was marketed, the Countach was the model that, as well as ending up on the walls of an entire generation and being used in dozens of films, enabled Lamborghini to be competitive by the mid-1970s until 1990 and to definitively become a legend.

Lamborghini Countach LP 400 Data Sheet

Engine: 60° V12, in aluminum
Bore x stroke mm: 82 x 62
Capacity: 3929 cc
Compression ratio: 10.5:1
Power: 375 CV at 8000 rpm
Distribution: double overhead camshaft with chain control. 2 valves per cylinder.
Fuel system: 6 Weber 45 DCOE twin carburetors
Wet-sump lubrication
5-speed Lamborghini manual gearbox + R
Clutch: dry, single plate
Chassis: Tubular with aluminum bodywork panels
Suspension: Front and rear independent suspensions with parallelogram action, coil springs and telescopic dampers
Brakes: ventilated disk
Wheelbase mm: 2450
Track mm: front 1500; rear 1520
Tires: Michelin XWX front 205 X 14, rear 215 X 14
Curb weight kg: 1065 kg

Lamborghini Countach LP 400 S Data Sheet

Engine: 60° V12, in aluminum
Bore x stroke mm: 82 x 62
Capacity: 3929 cc
Compression ratio: 10.5:1
Power: 353 CV at 7500 rpm
Distribution: double overhead camshaft with chain control. 2 valves per cylinder.
Fuel system: 6 Weber 45 DCOE twin carburetors
Wet-sump lubrication
5-speed Lamborghini manual gearbox + R
Clutch: dry, single plate
Chassis: Tubular with aluminum bodywork panels
Suspension: Front and rear independent suspensions with parallelogram action, coil springs and telescopic dampers
Brakes: ventilated disk
Wheelbase mm: 2450
Track mm: front 1492; rear 1606
Tires: Pirelli P7, front 205/70-15, rear 345/35-15
Curb weight kg: 1200 kg

Lamborghini Countach LP 5000 S Data Sheet

Engine: 60° V12, in aluminum
Bore x stroke mm: 85.5 x 69
Capacity: 4754 cc
Compression ratio: 9.2:1
Power: 375 CV at 7000 rpm
Distribution: double overhead camshaft with chain control. 2 valves per cylinder.
Fuel system: 6 Weber 45 DCOE twin carburetors
Wet-sump lubrication
5-speed Lamborghini manual gearbox + R
Clutch: dry, single plate
Chassis: Tubular with aluminum bodywork panels
Suspension: Front and rear independent suspensions with parallelogram action, coil springs and telescopic dampers
Brakes: ventilated disk
Wheelbase mm: 2450
Track mm: front 1492; rear 1606
Tires: Pirelli P7, front 205/50-15, rear 345/35-15
Curb weight kg: 1490 kg

Lamborghini Countach Quattrovalvole Data Sheet

Engine: 60° V12, in aluminum
Bore x stroke mm: 85.5 x 75
Capacity: 5167 cc
Compression ratio: 9.5:1
Power: 455 CV at 7000 rpm
Distribution: double overhead camshaft with chain control. 4 valves per cylinder.
Fuel system: 6 Weber 44 DCNF twin carburetors
Wet-sump lubrication
5-speed Lamborghini manual gearbox + R
Clutch: dry, single plate
Chassis: Tubular with aluminum bodywork panels
Suspension: Front and rear independent suspensions with parallelogram action, coil springs and telescopic dampers
Brakes: ventilated disk
Wheelbase mm: 2500
Track mm: front 1536; rear 1606
Tires: Pirelli P7 F, front 225/50-VR15, rear 345/35-VR15
Curb weight kg: 1490 kg

Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary Data Sheet

Engine: 60° V12, in aluminum
Bore x stroke mm: 85.5 x 75
Capacity: 5167 cc
Compression ratio: 9.5:1
Power: 455 CV at 7000 rpm
Distribution: double overhead camshaft with chain control. 4 valves per cylinder.
Fuel system: 6 Weber 44 DCNF twin carburetors
Wet-sump lubrication
5-speed Lamborghini manual gearbox + R
Clutch: dry, single plate
Chassis: Tubular with aluminum, fiberglass and carbon fiber bodywork panels (front engine hood and luggage compartment)
Suspension: Front and rear independent suspensions with parallelogram action, coil springs and telescopic dampers
Brakes: ventilated disk
Wheelbase mm: 2500
Track mm: front 1536; rear 1606
Tires: front 225/50-ZR15, rear 345-35/ZR15
Curb weight kg: 1490 kg


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