
1000 万,并且还在增加:向宝马集团车队提供的软件更新达到了新的里程碑

+++ BMW 远程软件升级,为全球最大的车队提供无线更新功能 +++


慕尼黑。截至 9 月底,宝马集团成功安装的宝马远程软件升级数量已突破 1000 万。这些升级通过无线方式传输到车辆,然后由客户启动。

“如今,宝马能够为全球超过 900 万辆汽车提供无线更新。我们可以通过这种方式更新整个车辆软件,”宝马集团电子和软件高级副总裁 Christoph Grote 表示。“这一能力清楚地表明了我们在软件定义汽车领域的专业知识。目前已在车辆上进行了 1000 万次远程软件升级,这一事实凸显了这种创新形式在客户中有多受欢迎。”

宝马五年前首次推出无线升级。此后,此功能已扩展到所有品牌、车型系列和驱动类型。新操作系统 9 的推出意味着 MINI 车型也可以远程更新,劳斯莱斯 Spectre 也可以。“远程软件升级功能让我们能够不断改进我们的车辆,而无需前往维修厂,”Grote 继续说道。 “这为我们的客户带来了更大的舒适性和安全性,并且不时为他们提供新功能和功能改进。”



宝马集团是联网驾驶领域的先锋力量。迄今为止,宝马在全球拥有超过 2200 万辆联网汽车,为其他行业树立了标准。专为电动汽车开发的功能(例如用于最大化运行范围的“最大续航里程”和充电优化路线规划)为日常驾驶提供了创新解决方案。随着此类数字化高端车型功能的推出,宝马集团一次又一次地证明了引人注目的数字化创新和以客户为中心已牢牢融入公司 DNA。1

)适用于搭载宝马操作系统 8.5 或 9 的车型,并结合 BMW Digital Premium
2)适用于配备 BMW 操作系统 9 和抬头显示以及 BMW Digital Premium 的车型

10 million and counting: software updates delivered to the BMW Group vehicle fleet reach a new milestone.


+++ BMW Remote Software Upgrades for the world’s largest fleet of vehicles with over-the-air update capability +++


Munich. The number of BMW Remote Software Upgrades successfully installed by the BMW Group passed the 10 million mark at the end of September. These upgrades are transmitted over the air to the vehicles and then launched by the customer.

“Today, BMW is able to deliver over-the-air updates to more than nine million vehicles worldwide. And we can update the entire vehicle software in this way,” states Christoph Grote, Senior Vice President Electronics and Software BMW Group. “This capability clearly demonstrates our expertise in the field of software-defined vehicles. The fact that ten million Remote Software Upgrades have now been carried out in vehicles underlines how popular this form of innovation is with our customers.”

BMW sent out its first over-the-air upgrade five years ago. This functionality has since been extended to all brands, model series and drive types. The arrival of the new Operating System 9 means that MINI models can also be updated remotely, as can the Rolls-Royce Spectre. “The Remote Software Upgrade facility allows us to keep improving our vehicles without the need for a workshop visit,” Grote continues. “This brings greater comfort and safety for our customers and also offers them new features and functional improvements from time to time.”

Indeed, the BMW Remote Software Upgrade technology has enabled numerous new functions and functional improvements to be rolled out to customer vehicles. In addition to comfort and safety features, the updates have also benefited infotainment, driving, drive system and driver assistance capability. A recent customer study confirmed the importance of regular updates for product enhancement.

The BMW Group is set to build on its leading position in this area over the coming weeks and months with a series of further upgrades including attractive model-specific features such as a Silent Mode1) and a new Curve Ahead View2) in the Head-Up Display for ‘seeing around bends’ virtually.

Connectivity is turning cars into smart mobility partners.
The BMW Group is a pioneering force in the field of connected driving. BMW has set the standard for the rest of the industry with over 22 million connected vehicles worldwide to date. Functions that have been purpose developed for electric vehicles – such as “Max Range” for maximising operating range and charging-optimised route planning – provide innovative solutions for everyday driving. With the introduction of digital premium vehicle features of this kind, the BMW Group proves time and again that compelling digital innovation and customer centricity are firmly embedded in the company’s DNA.

1) Available for models with BMW Operating System 8.5 or 9 in conjunction with BMW Digital Premium
2) Available for models with BMW Operating System 9 and Head-Up Display in conjunction with BMW Digital Premium


生日快乐-MINI 风格的电动汽车


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